Do You Know Your F.U. Tendencies?
In recently re-watching the Netflix original series, "House of Cards" I find that I'm drawn to the character, played by Kevin Spacey named, "Frank Underwood."
Frank is an unabashed, unapologetic and unrelenting harbinger of reality, in any measure of frankness possible (pun intended). So, those who know me, realize that I have strong Frank Underwood (F.U.) tendencies. From leadership meetings, to counseling with business owners in group training sessions- I admit.. my tendencies are a breath away.
But then again, everyone has F.U. tendencies- and it has more to do with knowing yourself, than having to know other people. Let me elaborate.
I have the benefit of working with Corporate Cultures, in Fortune 500's to SMB's around the world. Without regard to the locality or geographical derivation, every business has four different types of people, who either exist or thrive therein. The Dominant's - who want it Right Now. The Socialites - who are still talking about what they did last weekend. The Pragmatics - who think another way of spelling DEVIL is C.H.A.N.G.E. and you've got The Critics - who always seem to have a cynical tone, even when they're smiling.
I'm a hot mess. I'm a Dominant Critic... and you guessed it... I'm Single.
But knowing that, is a source of power and stimulation for me. Each day is a battle of 'which side of me will win today...' to the point where I'm almost certain that a Wrestling Announcer is preparing a crowd to watch the melee ensue. (Let's Get Ready to Ruuuummmmmble!")
But, I've got one shot in most circumstances... to make my mark and to engage people, in a manner where they will respect the message and the messenger.
Yes, some days- I lose the battle. I send a cold email, because someone ticked me off. Other times, I fight the urge to destroy someone in an email- just because I want to be right. Rarely, do I unload on a person- as I've learned as a matter of growing up, that that's a sure way to kill off relationships and reasoning.
I just know me better. I know what I'm capable of, and yes- I know my F.U. tendencies. As salacious as that sounds, it's a reality that every one of us shares- the only difference is- that few of us are ready to discover our tendencies. The rest will learn in the worst situations possible.
So, if you find yourself trying to always correct the information in a room. If you always find yourself trying to be the most powerful one in the room. If you've argued with someone in church, or have destroyed a working relationship- just because you don't know what's wrong with other people...
It's time you learn your F.U. tendencies. Try. Something. Useful.
I can show you how. Send me a message and I'll make the time to show you how this small journey in personal discovery, can bring a professional yield- like no other.
In the immortal words of the Frank Underwood character, in Season Two of Netflix's House of Cards...
"There is one rule... Hunt or Be Hunted..."
Choose ye this day. Predator or Prey.