Do You Know Your ABC's?
Random fact for this Tuesday: Did you know on this day in 1997, Netflix was founded by entrepreneurs Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph? Think about the originality and imagination it took in the time of Beanie Babies, and the almost famous Netscape Web Browser ?? to invent a mail-order service for DVDs that would later turn into what we all know it as today: The OG streaming video service provider! Anyways, on to the lawyer stuff... A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a law firm owner who asked a question I get often, "What should my closing rate be"??
Although a simple question (and answer), I did take note of the interesting dialogue to follow.? As a result, I took this opportunity to create a video around this topic to help you next time you have the thought. Check it out here and let me know your thoughts, OR email me other topics you'd like to hear about. As always, thank you all for supporting Green Cardigan Marketing and our goals of helping law firm owners grow and make more money along the way!
Stay Weird.
-Ashley Robinson
Do You Know Your ABC's??
Is your law firm leaving money on the table by not taking advantage of the leads received? Did you know a healthy closing rate for a law firm is between 60-70%? In simple terms, your firm should be retaining 6 out of every 10 leads. If you are not closing at 60-70%, why not? In the video below, our fearless leader?dives into this question and a few ideas of how you can increase your closing rate. Stop spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to grow your law firm alone, and let Green Cardigan Marketing help!?
Why (And How To) Create A LinkedIn Newsletter For Your Law Firm?
In today’s digital landscape, LinkedIn has emerged as a powerful platform for professionals and businesses alike. With over 700 million users, LinkedIn is not just a social networking site; it’s a goldmine of opportunities for lawyers and law firms to connect with potential clients, establish their expertise, and build valuable professional relationships.?To maximize the potential of LinkedIn,?creating a LinkedIn newsletter can be a game-changer.?
Depending on your law firm and your goals, LinkedIn’s newsletter feature is something you should study. This source can prove especially valuable for attorneys practicing business law, intellectual property law, and those attorneys looking to become industry experts in their areas of the law. Check out THIS VIDEO for a crash course on how to create your very own LinkedIn Newsletter, OR contact us to do it for you. ??
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