Do you know where your IOT Devices are and are they Secure ??
Recently the Ponemon Institute and Shared Assessments conducted a poll of more than 600 people in positions of corporate governance.
They asked them about their fears for “catastrophic” security events related to IoT. Nearly every person they spoke to feared that event, yet, oddly, only about 30 percent actively said they monitored for any kind of third party risk when it came to IoT.
The average number of IoT items being used in the workplace is going to increase in just the next year alone by 50 percent or more according to predictions. Of the people who were polled, more than 80 percent said they believed that a data breach was going to take place that was caused by IoT devices that were insecure or poorly secured within the next two years.
Those comments and concerns are only a part of the issue. In addition the report cited that less than half those who responded believed that they could keep a good inventory of Iot items in the company and only about 20 percent believed they could inventory even the majority of what devices were in use in the company.
The problem therefore is threefold. Less than half of all companies even know what devices are in use, they are unaware of what steps must be taken to secure them if any and even if they can or should be secured.
In a world that is rife with bring your own devices, many company secrets may be housed on devices that are far less than secure with the company none the wiser. How secure is your company and what kind of IoT devices are in use that you may not even be aware of? When was your last IoT device inventory done?
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Bill McCabe//Recruiter//Worldwide Internet of Things/ Executive Search/Influencer
#1 WorldWide IOT Influencer per Right Relevance 4/17
#6 World Wide IOT Influencer per Onalytica 6/17
#9 Big Data / Artifical Intelligence per Right Relevance 5/17
IBM IOT Futurist – IBM Interconnect – IBM IOT Guest Blogger
Top 50 IOT Influencer by IOT Institute- 9/16