Do you know where your Distractions and Procrastination really come from?
Sam Rosario .
Author of 3 books and counting: Productivity Expert (If I reach out to you, fear not, I am NOT a Coach and I am not trying to sell you any super pricy thing).... I am also a 17-year Saxophone Player and a Baseball Fan.
Here's a scientific solution to beat them.
Have you ever had that experience of trying to start doing something and all of a sudden you start remembering other ''important things'' ?...
...a call you haven't made. A message you haven't responded. A video you ''have to'' see.
This is call Electrical Resistance. It comes from your brain and it happens because of these cases:
-Things you have to do but don't want to.
-Things you don't like to do.
-Challenging things.
-Scary things.
The the level of resistance that your brain shows in those cases in just incredible.
It is because your brain consumes 10 - 100 times more energy in those cases than on things that are easy or joyful to do. That is why after spending the morning doing some of those things, at 1:00 PM you feel tired.
As if it was 9:00 PM
Dealing with this electrical resistance is what causes things like:
-Immature Justifications.
Let me give you 4 powerful recommendations to beat that and get things done.
The scientific evaluation that I give to my clients called Benziger Test, generates a combined report of 45-70 pages which explains the whole brain potential for that person.
This scientific analysis highly recommends each person to find support for those activities that don't belong to their natural preference.
In short words, you must delegate those activities you don't like to do. Those things that are not connected to you. (Purpose - Value)
For those activities that you know you MUST do but feel a little challenging. And also, for activities that you naturally don't like to do but for any reason you are the one to solve them now.
Here's the thing:
Divide. Split. Create small portions.
When something looks really colossal. Try dividing that Big Thing into really small things.
If it's a 30 pages report. Just make the goal to write 2 pages in a day or 5 pages in a week...
... by showing that to your brain, its level of resistance about it will drop dramatically and you will be more willing to get it done.
If it is a 10-15 minutes FB Live Video that scares you. Try doing a 1-2 minute video just saying Hi and a couple of quotes.
You get the idea . Play that game with your brain.
When you have to handle challenging activities, since it is not so relaxing - fun or comfortable. It is a MUST the proper management of your energy while doing them.
What I mean is that it's worth considering a wider cycle of Work-Breaks.
You cannot miss this when you are working on these kind of tasks. I f you normally just take breaks every 90 minutes.. You should consider diminishing that when working on something ''energy-consuming''.
Try something like 45 minutes Work-10 Minutes Rest.
Or 25-5
Let others know that you will work on ''XYZ'' projects that are challenging and difficult and ask them to hold you accountable. To ask you how you did. To ask you if you got them done.
This will create a Psychological Neccesity that will promt you to take action and be more focused.