Do you know someone with Crohn’s, Colitis, IBS or colon cancer?
Bruce MacPherson
Optimizing health with BLUE ZONE water. ??? E-Commerce Entrepreneur ? Creating passive income that lasts a lifetime.
I had Colitis and BEAT IT! Here’s what I learned.?
If you know someone, or have experienced any one of these conditions yourself, you know they can be incredibly painful ?? and very disruptive to every part of your life.
Doctor's ??? will tell you that Crohn’s and colitis are incurable and that you will have to be on meds the rest of your life.?
That is 100% untrue, if you are prepared to change your habits. I’m living proof that this can be beat. I’m not on any medications and have been colitis free for 25 years. I’ve also help others achieve the same outcome.?
So what causes digestive disorders and what you can do to prevent and reverse them.?
5 things that contribute to Crohn’s, colitis, IBS and likely colon cancer
It takes a combination of factors for these disease to take hold.
Many Doctors will tell you food is not a factor, this is completely false. Food has the one of? biggest implications on health ??, especially in the digestive tract.?
I worked in the concrete industry for 10 years and had horrible eating habits. The food truck was my main source of lunch most days. This was the start to my digestive problems.?
It has been shown that glyphosate ??, a common chemical found in RoundUp, disrupts the microbiome in our digestive track. It kills off the good bacteria and then bad bacteria take control.?
These have a similar effect to pesticides in that they kill off the healthy bacteria in our gut and then you get an overpopulation of yeast in the body. Yeast can cause neurological problems as well as many others, including gut issues.?
I was in Acapulco, Mexico on vacation in my early 20s and pick up something from the food and had major digestive problems for 3 weeks afterwards.?
When the gut microbiome balance has been disrupted by pesticides and antibiotics your body doesn’t have the defences to handle foreign bacteria so it takes over, which creates an immune response.
Stress is a HUGE contributor in ALL diseases. It suppresses the immune system and then underlying issues can come to the surface and manifest. Cortisol is produced when we are under stress and it suppresses the digestive system.? It was the stress of my construction job that triggered colitis for me.?
I was the GM of a concrete company and had a confrontation with the owners uncle. It was so emotional for me that I quit that day but the owner convinced me to stay. This was the trigger to my digestive problems.
So why is stress so bad?? Stress creates acid in the body and acid causes inflammation. ?? Inflammation is a leading contributor to many diseases.
Stress is usually the triggering event for almost all diseases especially cancer.?
The negative emotions that go along with stress also impact our health. Suppressed anger shows up in the liver and digestive system. If not addressed, negative emotions will create disease in the weakest part of the body.?
So what’s the FIX??
Food ?? is the first place to start. Organic food is expensive but speaking from experience, getting sick is FAR MORE costly. Invest in yourself and buy pesticide free organic food. Your gut will be the biggest beneficiary.?
There are certain foods that absolutely have to be avoided if you have any of the 3 leading digestive disorders .?
Refined sugar is what causes the intense cramps for Crohn’s, Colitis and IBS. It also feeds cancer so it should be completely avoided. Soda, junk food, pastries, baked goods, cereals, sauces, almost everything contains refined sugar so reading labels is really important.?
Refined grains, especially ones that aren’t organic, are also on the must AVOID list.? Many grains are genetically modified so the body treats them like a foreign substances and that creates an autoimmune response.?
A excellent resource book for restoring gut health with diet is Breaking The Viscous Cycle by Elaine Gottschall.?
It has lots of recipes that will be easy on your digestive track and restore your health.?
Each person is different so you will have to experiment with food and see what works and what doesn’t.?
If you are in the acute phase sticking with proteins that digest in the stomach will give your intestinal track a break.?
Acidic foods will irritate and inflame the colon. Avoid acidic fruits, all dairy??, products, refined seed oils, and alcohol ??as they will increase the inflammation. Even prescription medications will cause acidity in the body.?
Antibiotic are likely the culprit that pushed me into full blown colitis.
If you can avoid antibiotics as much as possible your digestive track will be better off.?
I had a prostate infection in my 20s and the Doctor left me on strong antibiotic for 3 months. This was the starting point for my symptoms and was one of the contributing factors to getting colitis
Regardless of what antibiotics are used for, make sure you have a bacterial infection before you go on them.?
Many people go to the Doctor when they have the flu and ask for antibiotics, this is not their purpose and will create gut problems if over-prescribed. ?
Using antibiotic for preventative treatment is also a great way to disrupt your GI tract. My daughter had dental surgery and they gave her antibiotics to prevent an infection.
On my advice, she gargled with both salt water and hypochlorous acid and opted not to use the antibiotic and healed up in a couple of days.
If you have to take antibiotics, take probiotics at the same time, so you re-populate the good bacteria that the antibiotic kills off.?
The one case where I would advocate taking antibiotics is if you have a bacterial infection in the colon. This where they can be useful as the bad bacteria have taken over and they need to be killed off.?
Another option that is rarely recommended by Doctors but is highly effective is hypochlorous acid. It is produced inside our bodies to fight off infections & bacteria and can be produced by certain medical grade ionizers.?
This can be consumed in small quantities (4 ozs)? orally and is highly effective at killing intestinal bacterias including C-difficile.?
Stress is one of the triggers so how do we deal with this??
Exercise ??, Mediation??, Yoga ?? and breathwork are three great ways to reduce stress when it's becoming an issue in your life.?
?If stress is ignored and suppressed, it will be almost impossible to regain health.
?Emotional health is extremely important if you want to have physical health.?
Negative emotions?
Negative emotions can be triggered by any life event, so talking about them is a good way to heal the underlying issue.?
Therapy and mind field re-patterning are a couple of options for uncovering and then dealing with the negative emotions and the underlying issue. ?
All of the options above ?? for stress are also good release avenues for negative emotions.?
So what are some specific proactive things you can do once you have Crohn’s, Colitis IBS or colon cancer?
Your gut health determines your overall health. Taking multi-strain probiotics is a great way to keep the gut healthy. Play with different brands and see what works best for you. Use a NON DAIRY strain.?
Genestra is a brand recommended by many natural health care practitioners. I also like and use RENEWLIFE with 50 billions active cultures.
Eating fermented foods and/ or non dairy sugar free yogurt is also a good way to populate the colon with good bacteria.?
Supplements are really important because while colitis is in the acute phase, your body is not absorbing nutrients and you can quickly become deficient.?
A class of supplement called glyconutrients is what helped get me off medication completely.?
The brand I used is from a company called Mannatech and the product is Ambrotose.?
It can be bought on the web at (I don’t sell this product)?
It contains the active ingredient?Mannose found in aloe vera. Aloe vera gel is not recommended as the enzymes break down the mannose in less than 20 minutes once it is cut from the plant. The powder found in Ambrotose has a stabilized form of mannose.?
Glyconutrients have been shown to be very effective at healing the ulcers that occur with ulcerative colitis.?
Molecular hydrogen
This is one solution that is rarely talked about by Doctors. Hydrogen has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect in the body. It is the smallest molecule on the periodic table and as such, is great at penetrating every part of the body.?
There are hundreds of published peer reviewed papers on PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct about the benefits of molecular hydrogen.?
So how do we get Molecular Hydrogen??
Molecular hydrogen is produced from a medical grade water ionizer through the process of electrolysis.? The additional benefit of ingesting hydrogen dissolved in water is that you get an alkalized water that reduces acidity in the body.? The technical term for the water is electrically reduced water - ERW which can also be searched in scientific journals. We talked about how acidity creates inflammation so you have a two pronged solution to inflammation and acidity using ERW water.?
The top gastroenterologist in the world, Dr. Hiromi Shinya, recommends drinking 3-4 litres of electrically reduced water (ERW) containing hydrogen each day. He has seen the results first hand after 300,000 colonoscopies.? This is definitely one of the easiest ways to restore gut health and something that is beneficial for everyone.?
Suffering from one of these conditions or know someone that is? Reach out and I can share more of my experience.?