Do you know | Solar photovoltaic panels: an effective way to cool down in summer?
Installing photovoltaic panels on the roof can reduce temperature in the summer.
Photovoltaic panels can provide insulation and cooling in summer due to their special materials and structural design. Specifically, photovoltaic panels achieve cooling effects in the following ways.
1. Reflection and refraction of sunlight
Photovoltaic panels absorb some of the sun's energy and convert it into electricity, while reflecting and refracting another portion of the sunlight. This reflection and refraction reduces the amount of sunlight that directly hits the building's surface, thereby lowering the building's temperature.
2. Create a shelter
Photovoltaic panels form a shelter on the roof, which can provide a shaded area for the roof and further achieve the effect of heat insulation and cooling.
3. Lower the temperature
Actual tests have shown that photovoltaic roofs can significantly reduce indoor temperatures. According to publicly available information, rooftop solar panels can typically reduce temperatures by about 3 to 5 degrees Celsius. This conclusion is based on multiple actual cases and research results. For example, a research team at the University of California, San Diego found that during the day, the ceiling temperature of a building covered with solar panels was 2.8°C lower than that of an uncovered building.
The study also showed that solar panels could reduce the amount of heat reaching a roof by about 38%. In addition, when the photovoltaic power generation system is running, the photovoltaic solar panels can absorb 80% of the heat from the sun and transfer it to the tiles below through heat conduction, avoiding direct sunlight on the tiles, which also helps to cool down and dissipate heat. At the same time, about 20% of the heat energy on the photovoltaic panels is directly converted into electrical energy, which means that the heat energy transmitted to the roof will be further reduced, especially in hot weather, the cooling effect will be more obvious.
In addition, the installation of photovoltaic panels can not only help cool down, but also provide solar power generation, save electricity bills, and improve the working environment of employees, improve production efficiency, and reduce production costs. Therefore, photovoltaic roofs are not only an environmentally friendly energy solution, but also an effective cooling measure.