Do you know the quality of the air you breathe?

Do you know the quality of the air you breathe?

"More than 7 million people die each year from breathing particulate matter."
Source: WHO

Breathing is the basic function of life, most humans can only hold their breath for a few seconds and trained people who are dedicated to deep dives do it for a few minutes.

We are constantly inhaling air and all that it contains, our body has natural filters in the respiratory system, but still what is less than a millimeter has a high possibility of coming into our body.?

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Researchers have identified the elements that affect human health, on the one hand the suspended particulate matter, which are between 2.5 and 10 thousandths of a millimeter, which is called micron. On the other hand, the air we breathe also contains waste from combustion, industry and other processes that release pollutants into the air such as carbon monoxide, sulfur oxide, lead, nitrogen oxide and ozone. It is clear for scientists that they are hazardous to the health of human beings, when they enter our body through breathing they can cause respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, liver fibrosis, lung cancer, liver cancer, heart attacks, bone problems, reduced visibility, only to name a ones.?

According to the World Health Organization, inhaling this material has caused more than seven million deaths per year.?

One of our higher purposes is to clean up the planet and the interesting thing about our technology is that by integrating different sources of information (medical reports, satellite images, ground monitoring systems) and data analysis by our group of scientists, Fregata Space has developed models as management tools for public health. For example, the images show the urban area of Bucaramanga and its PM10 map (10 micron particulate matter on February 12).?To show the pneumologists at the last congress of Asoneumocito to which our CEO Maria Fernanda Gonzalez gave a talk on the issue.?

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To validate the information we took information from ground stations and compared it with satellite images in Cundinamarca last January 28, validating that our artificial intelligence processes are correct and that these can be seen if dangerous concentrations for human life in certain points of the map.

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In addition to monitoring air quality, we can identify which pollutant may have greater or lesser incidence in the pathologies analyzed and from there articulated with the health sector and its main actors generate models to remedy the current situation and with Machine Learning tools generate predictions and early warnings to improve public health conditions.?

It is exciting to see what the use of technology in the service of quality of life can do and that is something that inspires us.?

If you want to be part of this initiative through any of the actors in the value chain, do not hesitate to contact us to see spaces for participation.


