Do you know the priceless wisdom of Behavior?

Do you know the priceless wisdom of Behavior?

Duality of the world

Most people in this world struggle to set the right behavior. Despite attending school for many years, we find people misled by material nature, ending up wasting time, energy, and resources. The right behavior helps you live a better life, while wrong behavior drags you down and perplexes you for life. But the million-dollar question is: how do we know what is right and what is wrong? Some may say certain things are right, while others say the same things are wrong. In the quest for morality and goodness, we often wonder what our reference point should be, which can be considered the summum bonum. Let's understand this concept through the timeless wisdom of the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.

Lamp of Eternal Truth

As the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is spoken by the Supreme Lord Krishna, the original creator, maintainer, and destroyer of millions of universes, we can rely on His words. After all, only the manufacturer of a machine can explain the machine's usage and limitations. Similarly, Lord Krishna, being the creator of all living beings, can explain the purpose of life and guide us. To make people civilized, religious, well-mannered, and good human beings, Krishna has analyzed human behavior. He beautifully categorizes people into two sets: one filled with divine qualities, and the other with demonic qualities. We find both types of people coexisting in this world. However, the most surprising aspect of Kaliyuga (the age of quarrel) is that we find the same person sometimes acting with divine qualities and other times with demonic qualities. It is like feeding two dogs: one named "Divine" and the other "Demonic." Whichever dog we feed more becomes stronger and shows its nature, producing good or bad effects.

Who can be called demoniac? The answer lies in the following verse of the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita:

Bg. 16.7

?????????? ? ????????? ? ??? ? ??????????: ?

? ???? ???? ?????? ? ????? ???? ??????? ?

Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in them.

A classic example of such people can be found in Vedic scriptures. In the Ramayana (the journey of Lord Ram), the demon Ravana (who had ten heads) was a great king born into a Brahmana lineage. Despite his high birth, he was arrogant, full of anger, lustful, careless, and filled with all sorts of negative qualities. The more we analyze the life of Ravana, the more we can learn from him about what not to do in life. As described in the verse above, demoniac people are always confused. They do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. They do not maintain cleanliness, and they do not speak the truth.

Bg. 16.23

?: ???????????????????? ?????? ???????: ?

? ? ??????????????? ? ???? ? ???? ????? ?

He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination.

Scriptural injunctions, as outlined in the highest quality Vedic scriptures like the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, are the ultimate truths. One who does not follow them and acts according to their own whims gains nothing meaningful in life. These people are always unhappy, tormented by imperfection, and unable to achieve the ultimate goal of life (Krishna Prem or love of God). It is important to practice spirituality under the guidance of an experienced spiritual guru. Unless we do so, we won't find our life moving in the right direction.

Both of these verses emphasize avoiding demoniac qualities. In our daily lives, we often see people entangled by their bad behavior. Let us fight the enemy within and conquer it to achieve success.

Stay tuned for more such articles. We will try to understand more such aspects of life.

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