Do you know HVO ?

Do you know HVO ?

Nowadays industries are facing several challenges like reducing their energy consumption or comply with regulations for air quality and Greenhouse Gases emissions (GHG). The challenge on GHG aims to fights against climate change to protect our planet and human life.

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United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #13
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Facts about climate change. Source: United Nations Infographics #13

The marine and yachting industries have to find solutions to design “greener” boats. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set targets for GHG emissions reduction. The pathway to reach certain goals is not yet clear. Several solutions are under research and development or in proof of concept. The use of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) is certainly a valuable options for the decarbonization of yachting industry.

Let's see 5 things to know about HVO

1. Let’s clarify Biofuel and HVO

Biofuel is a quite generic term that is used for fuel derived from biomass. When it comes to Internal Combustion Engine (ICE); we often think to biodiesel B7, B10, B20 or B100.

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Biodiesel generally refers to Fatty-Acyd Methyl Ester (FAME). This fuel is obtained by chemical reaction from biomass with an alcohol. This reaction is called Transesterification. Blends of biodiesel with petroleum Diesel are referred with B letter followed by a number. The number gives the percent of biodiesel. For example; B7 is a blend with 7% of biodiesel. B7 is a well-known and easy to find fuel in the road and non-road industries.

HVO is obtained by a process called hydrotreating. The raw materials are the same than for biodiesel but the process is different. HVO is a similar hydrocarbon than petroleum Diesel and therefore highly compatible with ICE. HVO is often referred as Renewable Diesel.

There are several other types of biofuel and processes. Be exhaustive would require a (very) long article. All available data on literature and on internet make it often confusing between bio/renewable classification and naming of fuels.

2. ICE emissions with HVO

HVO improves the ICE emissions. But; it is not at this stage that the biggest GHG savings are made. Note that the emissions comparisons are dependant from the HVO quality and ICE generation and features. Also; some tests are carried with ICE tuned to better work with HVO.

One of the first benefit is the reduction of Sulphur Dioxide (SOx). HVO through its raw material and production process has almost no Sulphur content. The high CETANE number (similar to Octane number for gasoline) gives a better fuel combustion in the cylinder. It leads to lower Particle Matter (PM) emissions. Note that Mediterranean Sea will become a Control Area for SOx and Particulate Matter (PM).

Concerning CO2 emissions, HVO and petroleum Diesel have close emissions numbers.

Another important matter is the NOx emissions. Limits are set by the MARPOL Annex VI. On this point; HVO has also close emissions numbers compared with petroleum Diesel. A post-treatment system is still necessary to reduce the NOx emissions. Read our article on that topic for more info.

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Chart of NOx limit according to Tier level

The above chart is showing the limit of NOx emissions according to engine speed:

  • Blue line is Tier I limit. The limit remains constant after 2200rpm for all Tier.
  • Green line is Tier II limit. It is a 20% reduction compare to Tier I.
  • Red line is Tier III limit. It is a 80% reduction compare to Tier I.

3.?The complete fuel life cycle.

It is important to take into account the complete life cycle of fuel for GHG reductions. “Well-to-wake” refers to that idea.

The entire process emissions are measured starting at the “source” and not only on the final stage at ICE exhaust:

  • Raw material extraction, harvesting or acquisition.
  • The production of the fuel itself through the different processes. Use of “green” electricity is a key aspect for a lot of “green” fuels.

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  • The storage of the fuel itself. It can be complex like liquefaction for Hydrogen.
  • The transportation between all stages. Some routes are very long.
  • The fuel emissions when used e.g. combustion within an ICE.

Having a clean fuel at ICE exhaust that needs huge amount of crop and electrical energy is not a sustainable and green solution. Nevertheless; the CO2 absorption by the plants can counterbalance the total CO2 emissions. But; if the plant culture requires to remove forest to expand agricultural land;…

“Well-to-wake” is complex; it is important to have a smart global view of the complete life cycle.

4. How do some HVO lower CO2 emissions up to 90%

When HVO is produced from waste like cooking oil or other food industry waste; it has interesting well-to-wake efficiency.

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This type of HVO has certified origins that guarantee CO2 reductions. The CO2 savings may vary according to the type of waste or raw material used. You can ask your fuel provider to give you more information on this point.

5.??????Running ICE with HVO

HVO is referred as drop-in fuel. It can generally be used without any engine modification. You have to ask the engine manufacturer approval and recommendation prior to fuel with HVO. John Deere Marine engines are 100% compatible with HVO. It is a very important point for swift adoption.

Note that the compatibility of fuel tank, fuel piping and other fuel devices must be checked.

For chief engineer

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From the performance point of view, the engine power stays close to its nominal value. The consumption also is close to its nominal value. These outcomes may vary according to the HVO properties and the engine generation.

Some parts may have reduced lifespan in contact with HVO. The HVO properties have to be discussed with the supplier. Several additives can be added to enhance the fuel properties. For example, additives are generally used to increase lubrification characteristics.

The HVO has less smell than petroleum Diesel and has biodegradable properties. The working environment is improved.

For the guest

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HVO has combustion properties that decrease the PM emissions. There is less smoke at the exhaust. Also; there is less odour. The yacht surroundings stay cleaner during hotel period at anchoring. The owner and guest experience are improved.

To conclude,

Yachting industry is studying several options to achieve greener and more sustainable solutions. There are still several difficulties to tackle especially on supply chain and infrastructure.

HVO is a fuel-in solution compatible with most engines. It has close properties to fossil Diesel and improves emissions at ICE exhaust. The CO2 savings are done on “well-to-wake” by using bio-waste. It is certainly one of the quickest and easy way to speed-up on decarbonization.

Author: Olivier Krafft

NPS Yachting Business Manager

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