Do you know how you provide value in your business?
Karen Revell
Aligned Wealth & Money Breakthrough Business Mentor for quietly ambitious coaches, consultants and spiritual entrepreneurs
Last week I had a conversation with someone who on the one hand was excited about starting up in business yet on the other, felt that she wasn’t really an entrepreneur and therefore not cut out for business.
I had to explain that yes, traditional entrepreneurs were those people who had lots of new ideas or strategies that could “see the gaps in the market” or come up with “innovative and exciting” products.
Yet today, we are in the age of the “artisan entrepreneur” where everyone can be successful in business as long as they truly understand the value they bring. That value may or may not be innovative or strategic.
It could just as well be inspiring and influencing others to take action.
It could be providing quality products or services that really support people.
It could be the ability to take the complexity away and simplify things for others.
It could be about constructing or building something of great value for someone else.
It could be all sorts of things...
Money (and opportunity) flows where there is value. Creating a profitable business isn’t about whether you see yourself as an entrepreneur or not. It’s about whether you are creating value or not.
Knowing the value you bring is the first part of creating flow in your business.
So do you know the value you truly bring to your business?
This month I'm helping calling-led business owners and transformation experts understand the true value they bring to their clients and their business. Want to know more? Comment below to let me know and I will send you the details of my Find Your Business Flow programme.