Do You Know How to C.H.A.N.G.E.?
Andre Young
Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Speaker, Author, Leadership Trainer, & Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC
Change can be a scary word… can’t it? It implies YOU doing something different than you normally have done and have become accustomed to. Even if the change is positive, it carries with it feelings of anxiety, pressure, and possibly resentment… depending on why your change is being made. It has always amazed me how comfortable anyone can become with anything! Comfortable with eating unhealthy even though you know what it’s doing to your body. Comfortable in that “bad” relationship and hanging on to the bitter end. Or, so comfortable in your success, you stop growing and give up greatness for “good enough”. At any rate… change, whether for the positive or negative… is expensive and will cost you either EFFORT for the great or REGRET for your stagnation. If you are ready for more… more out of your life, your relationships, and YOU… keep reading for how to C.H.A.N.G.E.!
To positively change, overcome the initial discomfort, and maintain your effort you must start with the C! Confidence – You must develop a vision of your desired lifestyle as well as a confidence with self-love that you can and will move forward. You may be ready and willing to sprint toward that vision… or you may be only able to crawl, but forward if forward! If you are not ready to love yourself, have confidence in yourself, or you’re simply tired of grinding… that’s OK. For a while, lean on someone else that loves you, can motivate you, and kick your butt! This would imply you begin to build a team around you with positive and motivated people. It’s very difficult to change with negative “stuck” people around you all the time!
H – Humility. This is monumentally important. Most people who want to change are embarrassed about where they currently are. Perhaps in your job, the money you make, the way you look, your past, etc. Humility means you are willing and capable of acknowledging and owning EXCATLY where you are, accepting it for now, deciding what you will do about it, and doing it daily! Get over yourself… you may not be where you’d like to be, but there are millions of people who’d be more than happy to trade places with you RIGHT NOW!
A – Action. This is as simple as I can make it. You are what you think, feel, and do daily! You are your patterns… so what does your daily pattern say about you? Do something about your passion or goal daily!
N- Nursing. On the way to your desired lifestyle, there will be some obstacles both big and small. Some you will breeze through, some you will trip over and bruise your spirit and ego, but all you will learn from. Take time to nurse your wounds… there is value in rest and healing. Be sure while you are resting and healing, you are taking notes on why you fell, what you learned, and what you will do next time! Be sure… you WILL see that obstacle again, but next time you’ll be prepared!
G – Growth. This is not a given! I repeat, Growth is not a given! You must choose to grow… if everyone who has started change would automatically grow, there would be no unhappy, unsatisfied, or bitter people in the world. Everyone has attempted change whether in the slightest form or biggest form. Your growth will depend on your willingness to “Keep your eyes wide-open” as you go through new experiences. “Keeping your eyes wide-open” means you take in every experience… both good and bad to learn, grow, and improve. If you fail at something, after licking your wounds… you realize you have just gone through an experience that will allow you to help someone else. What do you learn from the failure and how will you impart that knowledge onto someone else… the same goes for your success! If you don’t know why you succeeded, how did you do it and can you do it again?
E – Excitement. This is your goal and your life… you might as well be excited about it! To effectively change… you must know yourself and set realistic little goals to get you to your dream. If you want to get in good cardio shape, but hate the gym and love shopping... Then don’t go to the gym! Go to the mall and count your steps. Or go to the gym and reward yourself with a trip to the mall! Get creative with yourself and stay excited about your “Why”, what you are doing, and create a process that pushes you, but brings you feelings of increased self-worth. Thanks for reading, Happy Evolving, and become a member of You Evolving Now today with all of my Personal Growth, Relationship Growth, and Lifestyle Enhancement Opportunities today at
written by: Andre Young
Risk and Compliance Transformation and Strategy at BNY Business Transformation, Strategic Planning, Change Management, People Development, Strategic Program Management. ex-Vanguard, ex-Fidelity
6 年Interesting and true. “change, whether for the positive or negative… is expensive and will cost you either EFFORT for the great or REGRET for your stagnation.”