Do You Know The Form?
If you are visiting a greyhound track for perhaps the first time, it can seem a bit confusing to see all the form lines printed on the race card, it is basically a synopsis of all the details of that particular greyhound The form guide at the top of the card will give a brief description of the greyhounds chances and potential odds and some form guides will tip what the phantom tipster thinks will win and be placed, The number on the left hand side is the greyhounds trap number and subsequently the jacket it will wear trap 1 is a red jacket, trap 2 is blue, trap 3 is white, trap 4 is black, trap 5 is orange, trap 6 is black, white & red stripes, The large bold print writing is The greyhounds Name above its name is printed the greyhounds owners name, the greyhounds father (sire) and mother (Dam) is also printed its colour Bk (black) Bd (Brindled) W (white) Be (Blue) BKW (black & white) F (fawn) Rd (Red) and B is for (Bitch) female, D is for (Dog) male. The lines of form contained include the date the dog ran its weight in lbs and the distance it ran over, the grade of race A for standard AAO being the best grade A10 being the lesser grade made up usually of novice hounds S is for Sprint and SSO is fastest S10 lesser, D is for distance grade DDO best D10 (not often seen) H grade is for Hurdle HHO the best- T means trap and sectional times are printed (this is the time recorded from the traps to the line in the run up and gives a good example of how much early pace a greyhound has the win time is printed and comments on the race are printed also examples Faw =fast away EVAW= evenly away, Qaw = Quickaway, SlAw = Slow away etc, BMP = bumped, Blk = Baulked, Imp = impeded, Crd = crowded, STb = stumbled, Finwl = finished well, Styd= stayed RNon= ran on etc Track names are SPK - Shelbourne Park, MGR = Mullingar, Crk = Cork, WFD = Waterford, TRL= Tralee, YGl = Youghal, NWB = Newbridge, DPK= Drumbo Park, DLK = Dundalk, KKY = Kilkenny, LMK = Limerick, CML = Clonmel, LFD = Lifford, DRY= Derry, LGD = Longford, ECY = Enniscorthy, THL = Thurles, GLY = Galway, TOW = Towster. Taking the time to read the form it can also help to take a look at the type of Tote bet you want to place, The biggest winnings usually come from the Jackpots and the Trio Bets you can ask your tote server for more details, if you simply like a name and like the look of a certain dog you may choose a simple win or win/place bet which can pay big dividends also the most important thing is you enjoy your night at the track and #GoGreyhoundRacing #KnowTheForm