Do you know the CORRECT place to terminate your grounding rings?
Magnetic flowmeter grounding is one of the most misunderstood issues in the field.
A seasoned electrician hears the word "grounding" and immediately connects the grounding rings to Earth ground. This is incorrect.
The grounding rings should be TERMINATED TO THE MAG FLOWTUBE.
Siemens model 5100W has been our water & wastewater meter for decades. When terminating your Siemens 5100w magmeter, we offer a pre-drilled hole on the meter flange specifically for connection to grounding rings, if included.
Look at you part number... newer meters, within the past year start with a part number 7MF6520, shown in the picture. The open hole where the RED arrow points is where you want to terminate your grounding rings.
If you have an older meter with a part number that starts with 7ME6580, you will find two pre-drilled holes where the black arrows point.
Does anyone want to tell me why we terminate to the mag tube and not to Earth ground?