Do you know any tween and teen girls?
Sophie Kramh?ft
Partner Marketing Lead within Nokia. "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." — Helen Keller
My good friend Laura Pena runs a project called She is the Universe and my own daughter Lucy has taken part and found it great to connect with girls from across the world. These are some of the activities taking place this week for She is the universe
B-inspired Blog / mag:
Our new issue for our Blog/magazine B-inspired, is out! It is all about inclusion. This is a collection of essays from girls from around the world, as well as inspirational content curated by our community.…/2020/b-inspired-inclusion
Community call:
Like every month, we are having our monthly call where girls connect on zoom. We have a speaker, a teenage girls from our community who will be co-hosting the calls.
These calls are lead by Laura Pe?a and Sara Surani. The girls love them! And we would love to share this opportunity with more girls. This month’s theme is “Inclusion and diversity”.
The next one is happening next week on June 16th:
Pen Pals:
We are running our second digital pen pal group. We have created a safe space for girls to connect with each other through writing. This is how it works:
1- girls create a profile
2- we personally pair the girls with someone from a different background
3- each week, for 4 week, the girls will get an email with a theme and questions to get them connecting with each other.
We have space for a few more girls. The last one we had 26 girls from 10 different countries, and it was super fun!