Do you know the 3C’s that can explode your linkedin connections?
Remember our discussion yesterday? The intricacies of LinkedIn outreach? Let's hone in on a strategy that I've seen work wonders: the 3 Cs - Context, Commonality, and Courtesy. Sounds simple? Let’s unpack it.
It's the backbone of meaningful interactions. Imagine you're at a conference. You wouldn’t just walk up to someone and launch into a pitch, right? First, you'd ensure you know a thing or two about them. Perhaps you've read their recent article or noticed a project they're leading. On LinkedIn, this means diving deep. Analyzing their posts, understanding their role, and genuinely appreciating their accomplishments.?
Quick Tip: Before hitting ‘Connect’, spend 10 minutes immersing in their profile. It's like walking a mile in their shoes, digitally speaking.? Look for clues that they need to talk to you.? Clues that will help you be “useful” to them.? E.g., he is complaining about how hard it is to hire people in this economy and you help companies in hiring the right people with a unique methodology. .?
We like people who are like us.?
Too complex. Pyschological. Phenomenon. Similarity effect.? Too complex.? Abstract.? Be concrete. Generate word pictures and videos. There’s a psychological phenomenon called the 'Similarity-Attraction Effect'. In essence, we're wired to trust and engage with those we find common ground with. It’s no surprise that connections with a mutual interest or background are more likely to engage in meaningful dialogue.?
“I know how you feel. I felt the same way and look what I found or figured out”? {Feel-felt-found framework}.? You don’t use these words but you apply them.??
I read your post about how everyone talks about the power of content marketing.? However, you found it super hard to make it work.? OMG.? I wanted to click 100 likes on it. I totally agree. I know how you feel. I felt the same way.? Then I did a b c and it changed things for me. Happy to share them with you on a phone call or a zoom chat.?
Think About This: Two alumni from the same university, two entrepreneurs facing similar market challenges, or two professionals passionate about blockchain. Commonality isn't just about past affiliations but shared experiences and goals.
The oldest rule in the book, but often overlooked. Would you ever approach someone at an event without a courteous greeting? Translate that to LinkedIn. No generic messages. Personalize your approach. Acknowledge their recent achievements. Congratulate them on a recent post that resonated with you. This isn’t just etiquette; it’s a reflection of your genuine intent.
Analogy Time: Consider the difference between a mass-produced greeting card and a handwritten note. One is glanced at; the other is cherished.?
When combined, these three pillars, the 3 Cs, create a profound recipe for success on LinkedIn. Not just for increasing connection acceptance rates but for fostering genuine relationships. Relationships that could be the next partnership, client, or mentor you've been seeking.
Combining the elements:?
“I hate people spamming my inbox. I am sure you are the same way. My goal is to add value.? I spend some time studying your profile.? <<courtesy>>
To set the context, I am specifically referring to your post about how hard it is to raise money today when people were throwing money at you just a short while back.? <<context>>
OMG. I totally agree. Blah blah blah <<commonality>>
The world of Web3 is built on decentralized trust. As a founder in this realm, embracing these practices isn't a choice; it's a necessity.
Stay with me. In our upcoming chats, we'll dissect each of these further, delving into the nitty-gritty and unveiling strategies to supercharge your LinkedIn game.
#Web3 #Networking #LinkedInStrategy #StartupGrowth #GrowthHacking
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