Do You Keep the Promises You Make?
Isn’t it time you start following through on all the promises you make?
How about starting with the promises you made to yourself?
If you can’t even keep your own promises to yourself, why should anyone else believe what you have to say?
How many empty or broken promises have you made over the years?
Is it just a few, is it more than you’d like, is it too many to count?
Either way, you can make a decision today to start delivering on what you said you were going to do.
Eating right, spending more time with your family, studying your craft, learning an instrument, working out like you said you would, and the list goes on and on…
Listen.?We’ve all done it.?We’ve all said we were going to do something and didn’t follow through.?
But that doesn’t mean that pattern has to continue on incessantly for the rest of our lives, does it?
Not following through on your promises and what you said you were going to do, doesn’t lead to good things or positive outcomes.
The action (or inaction) of doing what you said you were going to do says a lot about you.
Either you’re trustworthy and people can count on you or you’re a liar and can’t ever be trusted.
Plain and simple.?That’s the truth.
Think about a promise you made to someone that you still haven’t fulfilled.
What can you do this week to make it happen??To right that wrong??To finally come through for someone?