Do you Journal?
For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 NIIV
Do you journal? Every once in a while I spend some time perusing things that I have written in the past to see if I still agree with what I wrote at the time and if my thinking has change what caused that change... was it an experience, something that I read, a study that I had done....!
Some times it is hard to know what or why God is allowing things to happen us in view of the fallen state of mankind and what is His will. Even as I write this I realize that is wrong. We can know, to a certain extent, although not fully in all things.
Those things that stand according to His word are certainly within His will. Those things clearly contrary to His word are outside of His will... but not, however, outside of His sovereign control. It is these things He allows to happen yet works for the good of all who love Him and who act according to His purposes. These are the things that are often the hardest for us to understand and accept.
We ache to know His will, yet we will not ask on His terms. We will not do the work of emptying so that He can do the work of filling. We want change in us but not change in our world.
The truth is that any growth, or any movement whether physical or spiritual affects the things around it. You cannot ask God to change you and then not expect to see that change play out, good or bad, in your relationships.
Salvation is not a sedimentary state of being for God's love is constantly propelling us toward a state of purity in Christ Jesus. The Son of God appeared for the very purpose of undoing the devil's work. When we agree with Jesus and do the things He has told us to do we take part in that undoing. A worthy goal for the New Year, do you agree?
My prayer this year is to allow the Lord to help me to be at work undoing the devil's work in my life today and every day!