Do you host open houses?

Do you host open houses?

I'm excited to announce the launch of our Open House Kits.

It consists of a cool little custom printed sign that you can add your branding to and give your sign-in area a professional look (click picture to visit our site to check them out) and we're throwing on 25 sign-in sheets for FREE!

Open House Sign

They are offered in two different sizes. 5 x 7 and 8 x 10 and can be customized right on our website using our online customizer.

Our sign blanks are manufactured in the United States and printed in our shop in Hanover, MA.

Add a QR Code

We recommend using a QR code so visitors can scan the code as they sign in and can get any important information you want to pass along to them (your contact info, information about the listing, other listings you are offering, virtual walkthroughs, etc.).

We have a walkthrough video on creating a QR code on our website using a third-party QR generator company that we like (no affiliation). You can watch that video by heading over to our website by clicking here.

QR codes are a great way to get your info to where your prospect will keep it. On their phone. QR codes have been around for a while now but are starting to be used more and more recently because most newer devices have a QR reader built into the camera. They make for a great marketing tool.


Our 5 x 7 is currently on sale for $24.99 marked down from $29.99 and the 8 x 10 is currently on sale for $29.99 marked down from $34.99 and both come with 25 single-sided sign-in sheets for free.

Head on over to JBS Printing by clicking here to pick one up for your next open house and take your image and marketing to the next level.


