Do you hear America singing?
Martha Anne Toll
Writer: THREE MUSES, a novel, finalist for the Gotham Book Prize and winner of the Petrichor Prize for Finely Crafted Fiction, available wherever books are sold. DUET FOR ONE, second novel, coming spring 2025.
Thank you for your interest and feedback on my series about intimacy. We started on May 1 with Moving and the Intimacy of Memory, and went from there, culminating in the last two weeks, talking with authors Sarah Cypher and Garth Greenwell in celebration of Pride Month.
I will be sure to return to this topic. In the meantime, however, I’d like to turn my attention to our country.
Like many of us, I am deeply concerned about the fire hose of terrible threats to our democracy. To quote Josh Gondelman, “I can’t believe the Supreme Court has ruled that the President can sleep outdoors in a public space.” It’s true. The Supreme Court legitimized making homelessness a crime, and gave the US President blanket immunity from prosecution.
Or, another version, “I am so glad my body is regulated more than a coal powered power plant.” You get the picture. It’s grim.
A lot of us have spent our lives fighting to make our country a more inclusive and more just democracy, and a better, cleaner, more generous home. This is a never-ending process. A garden must be tended.
Today, I share some thoughts and wisdom from people to whom I turn in times like this, and frankly at all times.
We have no choice but to put our shoulders to the wheel for the country we love.
Warm greetings for the Fourth of July. I hope you are celebrating with loved ones or having a day of quiet rest.
Love, Martha
Thank you to my former colleagues Amanda Andere and Bill Pitkin for inspiring parts of this newsletter.