Do you have the time and money to find out the true reality by yourself?
Ido Avishai
Ido Avishai
International Sales Director - Slogan Group C.E.O & Founder at & Rino Tiles Ltd. - Regional Manager Tiles Group India
The Main challenges you face
1,000 factories
50,000 Dealers
Quality & Standards
QC which can meet your needs
Wide price range
Cultural differences
Do you have the time and money to find out the true reality by yourself?
If you would like to save
Money, Sweat & Tears which is part of this process
Contact US
We represent as a formal Agent a few factories who passed our strict quality requirements and can meet the quality needs of the European & American markets.
We use external QC system in order to Insure Quality
You work directly with our Factories and enjoy our unique quality control and extremely attractive prices
In order to learn more don’t hesitate to contact me.
Avishai Ido
C.E.O Rino Tiles & Cerastock
Email [email protected]
Mobile , WhatsApp WeChat 972-54-4213157
Skype - idoavishai