Do You Have Smart Mobile App Development Strategy

Do You Have Smart Mobile App Development Strategy

When a client approaches a mobile app development company, she loves to look at development portfolio and try to find out a matching product as a reference.

Unfortunately, each business or organization is unique in nature and with unique needs so how can we expect their mobile applications should have all similarities in features, functions, and look.

It is good to find a somewhat similar example in a portfolio of Mobile App Development Company to ease the tasks of business analysts and developers to comprehend what you need to some extent, but not all the requirements.

The right approach towards mobile app development is to formulate an app development strategy where we need to define:

  • The user persona by identifying user needs/business goals and user experiences for all stakeholders
  • User devices and OS versions
  • App development methodology
  • App development standards
  • App development resources including tools and technologies
  • The data interactions and other services running in background
  • Backend experiences and cloud-based development
  • Security aspects
  • Marketing aspects

Business Goals in App Development Strategy

When you think of mobile app development, you must have clear business goals or app goals in other terms. If you are an app entrepreneur and going to make some fortunes out of mobile marketplaces, you have to think in that direction and create a mobile app that appeals a specific target audience.

If you are a big organization or an enterprise, and your app development aim is to address your internal needs like business process automation, management, and so on, you need to define your app needs accordingly.

When your business needs are covering internal as well as external needs like business customer interactions, employee interactions, and other business components including suppliers, inventory, shipping, order taking, CRM, and so on, you need to address all by different modules and various user roles/levels.

User Persona in App Development Strategy

Once you have business goals, you can define audience easily. Based on your target audience, you can develop your use persona by looking at target audience geography, demography, cultural preferences, and language preferences, and so on involved in user persona.

Based on user personal and business goals, business analysts have ideas to define app features, functionality, and most importantly user experiences. Now, you can decide how you can satisfy your mobile app users by UI development and interactions of users with the app.

You have enough chances to please your users by offering personalization, advanced app features, and integration of the latest services.

User Devices in App Development Strategy

At present, we have myriads of mobile devices manufacturers and different mobile OS platforms. Therefore, keeping selected device types and a mobile OS platform means losing rests of devices users and mobile OS platform fans.

Therefore, small to big businesses are believing in BYOD concept and allow all kinds of devices and mobile OS with a range of OS versions. However, it is tough and economically unviable to develop a mobile app for each mobile OS platform and address the needs of different hardware as well as mobile OS versions for seamless and compatible user experiences.

Therefore, we need to restrict either up to selected mobile OS platforms, for native mobile user experiences or go to cross-platform mobile app development by compromising with user experiences.

App Development Methodology

Software developers usually choose different development methodologies according to project requirements, project size, and clients’ needs. Therefore, traditional software development methodologies like Waterfall and others are rare in use.

Against these, the Agile Development methodologies are currently trendy and offer frequent iteration cycles to improve app continuously. Therefore, Agile Development methodologies are the choice of most of the mobile app developers as well as tech-savvy clients.

Governance & Standards for Mobile App

Defining mobile governance and standards helps business to ensure consistency, security, and measurable ways. For instance, if you have defined reference architecture, safety standards, reusable components, and access to vital resources prior to development, you can gain consistency in mobile app development and its results irrespective of who is working in a team of developers or who is deploying a mobile app.

Defining app development standards clarify concepts of how to manage app demand and its marketing aspects. Thus, it lets team and client control all processes and make app endeavors profitable.

App Development Resources

Straightly, it is based on the mobile OS platform you have selected. Apple has defined a set of iOS app development technologies, tools, and resources while Android platform is open one and give ample choices to work on different technologies and tools.

Therefore, clients have to find out whether selected developers or mobile app development company have all required resources for development including skill sets for developers.

As we know, app success is not relying solely on debugging and delivering error free app, but greatly attributed by user experiences it delivers, usability it has, and cost-effective development.

Data Interactions & Services

Today almost all mobile apps are data driven by nature and carrying intensive data interactions with numerous APIs integrated for different services such as location-based services, web services, cloud computing services, IoT services, Beacon services, and so on.

Backend Experiences

In most of the cases, we avoid backend users such as admin and other roles in considerations of user experience designing. Therefore, developers and backend user interface of mobile app users feel several distractions while using or operating mobile app at the back shop.

If you want to improve user authentication, push alerts, social media integration, database management, and so on backend processes, you must give excellent backend user experiences.

Fortunately, for mobile app developers, today we have cloud-based backend services to create mobile applications with quick and cost-effective ways. You can take help of MBaaS (Mobile Backend as a Service) for technological advancements.

Security Aspects in App Development Strategy

Several app security related issues are vital to address upfront including:

  • Database security
  • Data exchanges security through implantation of encryption technologies and other techniques with valid certification
  • Database access security
  • App source codes access security
  • App connectivity related services
  • App user authentication

Marketing Aspects in App Development Strategy

Monetization strategy for a mobile app is critical and need to explore all possible ways to make the best combination of techniques to yield maximum from the market.

Today paid mobile app strategy is tough to implement with success, except for some exceptional niches or businesses where monopoly is possible legitimately.

Freemium with Lite versions, in-app purchase, Mobile Ads, App sponsors, and other plenty of monetization techniques are successfully working alone and in combination as well.

Therefore, making the right choice of monetization model pave the ways to efficient marketing strategies.


In short, if we take care of above described aspects of mobile app development and app strategy formulation, success might knock our doorsteps soon.

Technically, without an effective mobile app strategy, app planning and development process are in vain endeavors. Therefore, each client should ask the mobile app development company, or a team, to assist in the smart Mobile App Development strategy formulation process.

However, very few app developers or app development companies have Mobile App Strategy Development process in place and enough knowledge to guide their esteemed clienteles righteously.

Fortunately, Addon Solutions have a team of seasoned mobile app developers with expertise in mobile app strategy development, so you can reap off the most from them, just by hiring them on affordable and suitable packages, or allocating the app development contract.


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