Do You Have The Right "Vision"
I came across a rusted sign - upon a rutted trail,
bullet holes, faded letters - I barely read “For Sale”.
I looked around - - twice in fact, for a house or barn or car,
I guess it was the land itself – – was fenced so very far.
I drove on to the nearest house — inquired as I might,
The owner said “It is for sale – — — as I have lost my sight”.
I noted then a cane was near - his eyes behind the glasses,
“You see I cannot see it’s beauty? - - - - not brush, nor trees or grasses”.
I choked a bit - - - and thanked the Lord - - My vision still was clear,
Then I asked the farmer - - “take my hand - - No Fear”.
We strolled down to the rusted sign - - and felt the grass below,
Can you feel its presence - - - and how high did it grow?
He squeezed my arm — said “Thank You son? - - - for I have been Fool”,
I did not see the beauty - without my “seeing tool”.
Remember to use ALL of the tools God has given you,
Some are made for certain things…..
?And some may not be the sharpest.
Be grateful for the things you have and not the?
things you have not.