Do You Have the Right People in the Right Seats?

Do You Have the Right People in the Right Seats?

In a survey of business leaders, 82% said 'people issues' were their number one blocker from achieving full potential as an organization (I was in this camp!). How does this happen?

Right People Right Seat is the hardest thing to get right in any company. Jack Welch said that at the pinnacle of his career at General Electric, he only got hiring right 50% of the time. The leader of one of the greatest turnarounds in history said a successful new hire under his watch was no better than a coin flip!?

How can we get ahead of this? Read on!

Hi there??, thanks for dropping by. I learned a ton scaling Hunt A Killer to $205M and wanted to document and share those lessons here. We talk about business management (EOS!), talent optimization, and workplace culture. Click the “subscribe” button above to receive notifications when new articles drop.

This week’s newsletter is based on Episode 3 of the Confessions of an EOS Implementer , a podcast where I sit down with a different EOS Implementer each week to discuss their unique story of the companies they transformed using the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS).?

A Hazy “People Structure”

One of the biggest challenges when implementing EOS within any company is resetting the way you’ve managed roles, responsibilities, and expectations in the past.

Most companies have a hazy structure that does not mirror the human resource management principles put forth in the EOS model. I see this – especially in founder-led companies – where a lot of the hiring is done “by feel” or at an earlier stage when the Core Values aren’t yet defined.?

The first step to a clear internal structure is defining and aligning it with your Core Values. Then build an accountability chart to visualize the core functions your business needs to operate at its highest potential.

Putting people in their seats comes later and only after you’ve run each candidate through the People Analyzer. The hazy structure may have worked earlier but if you are serious about growing to your full potential, you’ll have to lay down a clear structure. Or better: what got you here, won't get you there.

In an ideal world, all teammates should be working in their area of expertise, comfort, and passion; or, said better, in the Right Seat. But this isn’t always the case.

There are countless reasons for this, from an inefficient review process to an early promotion, and everything in between. If you feel you’ve got the Right Person in the Wrong Seat, go back to these two EOS tools:

Unique Ability? + Accountability Chart = Right Seats

Combine the results from these tools and you’ll get the 10,000-foot picture of what your company has and what it’s missing. Use that as a foundation to assign team members to a role that fits them best such that there is zero room for misinterpretation of the right seat.

I spoke with Bruce Sheridan , a Certified EOS Implementer with nearly 300 EOS sessions under his belt, about the need for clarity in roles and responsibilities :?

We suggest you put five to seven bullets that define their seat and the function that they're performing. Those five to seven bullets should cover 80% of that job. And you want to make sure they can really do those five to seven bullets well.
Bruce Sheridan,

Great leaders make a conscious effort to clarify the responsibilities, outcomes, and expectations around key positions. They go above and beyond to ensure:

  • the company knows what success looks like
  • the teammate knows what is expected of them

What Makes a Good Fit?

The idea of Right People was popularized by Jim Collins in his bestseller, Good to Great. Jim advocates for having the Right People in the right Seat as your highest priority and that trying to grow without the right people is an exercise in futility.??

It makes complete sense as employees and leaders can make or break the company. No matter how good a product is... if it’s in the wrong hands, it will not succeed. Conversely, even mediocre products can be made successful if you have the right people.

Finding out if your employees are the Right People can be a challenge but there’s a great starting point for leaders:

Core Values + People Analyzer = Right People

This relatively simple formula provides business owners with the foundation they need to find and fix existing issues within the workforce.

I asked the Bruce what are some telltale signs of a culture problem and how to spot when things aren’t right.

Confessions of an EOS Implementer Podcast

Bruce: “I have some small businesses that have copied corporate review plans and it's a massive amount of paperwork and they're trying to track it with big spreadsheets and I'm like, ‘whoa, you're a small company – why are you trying to have a Bank of America review process?’...?

It's simple. If you get your core values where you want them, let's say five. We want you to have a bar where you've got three pluses and two plus-minus…? And then for the seat, we have what we call GWC. Get it, Want it, and have the Capacity to do it. And you want those to be hard yeses.”

Ryan: And how would you address a situation where an employee is clearly not a good fit?

Bruce: “We do what we call a three-strike rule. Bring three concrete examples of the behavior. Sit them down and say, 'We've observed one, two, and three. I'm giving you 30 days. I want to see improvement.'

You're rarely going to have to take action. Either they see the writing on the wall and just leave or they make improvements, which is what you want.”

It’s a Circle.

The EOS Model is a continuous loop where each component needs to be worked on again and again. Right People, Right Seat is no different.?

Your company isn’t operating a vacuum and there are both internal and external factors that can change so much of what you need in just a year.

“You set a target, you’re getting there… But the competition changed, the landscape changed, regulations changed, people changed, technology changed… Nothing ever just sits there waiting for you to try to hit that target. Everything's moving all the time.” - Bruce Sheridan

One of the reasons those 8 out of those 10 companies are unhappy with productivity is because they either became complacent with their review process or just aren't doing it altogether.

Ensuring you have the Right People, in the Right Seats is a continuous process and you need to leverage all of the tools frequently. Your team depends on each other and even just one Wrong Person can throw the entire company off balance.?

A part of this process is making the tough decisions and having the difficult conversations.

I had a $40 million company and when we were creating the People Analyzer, we asked the CFO kind of tongue in cheek, do you want it? And he says, ‘No, I'm sick of it. I hate it.’ At the end of the day, he resigned...
The next day, the CEO tells me ‘We've known for 15 months that he shouldn't be in that seat anymore. We knew it’? So who knows how much longer it would have gone like that. In the end, the CEO helped him find another job, where he was thriving and happy as a clam. But without asking him the question, ‘Do you want this job?’ We would have never known. - Bruce Sheridan

And finally, don’t hold yourself back from fixing your People problem because you’re not sure how to find a replacement. The wrong person will do far more damage than an empty seat ever could. You'll be shocked at how quickly the rest of the team will cover down on the gaps (I was!).

P.S. Want to work together? Here are a few ways:

1/ Already running on EOS? I am putting together a small vetted group of business leaders who operate on EOS. Apply for the Spring Cohort here . (only open to Visionaries, Integrators and Core Function Leaders)

2/ Need an Integrator or Core Function Leader expertise without the FTE budget? Schedule a Zoom with me here to learn about Talent Harbor’s fractional and professional staffing for businesses operating on EOS.

3/ Are you an EOS Implementer and want to be a guest on our show? Submit a guest form here.

4/ Vetting Certified EOS Implementers and want to know who’s the best? Send me a DM.


