Do you have problems with vibration or repeatability?

Do you have problems with vibration or repeatability?

-The answer might be in your tool holders, here you can read a little about why.

Our machines are known for rigidity and accuracy, but if you want to increase productivity and repeatability, you need to turn your focus to the tool system on the machine. This is where you can benefit from using BIG-PLUS tool holders from BIG DAISHOWA-Europe . Almost all milling spindles from DNS have the BIG-PLUS interface as standard, so whether you are buying a new machine or already have a machine, the section below is for you.

The first and most important reason to choose BIG-PLUS is because of the tooling system that has two contact surfaces. The dual contact surfaces mean that the tool setup is much stiffer. It allows for increasing the speed and feed rate during scrubbing operations, thereby removing more material in a shorter time. Workpiece geometry and surfaces are also improved.

Simultaneous Taper & Flange Fit
Strict Gage Control

Another advantage is repeatability accuracy. With conventional holders, there is only one contact surface, which results in variations from tool change to tool change. With Big Plus, this variation is almost eliminated, and the total runout is nearly halved. With dual contact, the tool is pulled back to the same surface every time.

The final reason for using BIG-Plus is machining at high RPMs or for extended periods of time. At high RPMs, centrifugal force affects the spindle, and depending on how high the RPMs are, the tool is drawn further up into the spindle. Similarly, a hot spindle expands, and in this case, the tool will also be pulled further up into the spindle.

In most cases, a single contact surface is sufficient, but if there are issues, there will certainly be optimization gains with the BIG-Plus system, whether it concerns rigidity or repeatability accuracy

Increased Contact Diameter (Example of BT50)

Source: BIG-PLUS Dual Contact Spindle System


