Do you have a Notion 'end in mind'?
Andy Gaught
Notion Consultant building systems for Real Estate businesses to enable growth, save time and improve efficiency | Real Estate Investor | #andygaughtthoughts
Earlier this year I caught up with one of my property mentees who was having second thoughts about a property deal.
Her offer had been accepted but she was worried the numbers didn’t really work and it ‘wasn’t a deal’.
My first question was:
"What is a deal to you?"
She gave a vague reply about yield, location and property type.
So I said:
"If you don’t know exactly what a deal looks like, it’s no wonder you’re unsure whether this property is a good deal or not."
In Stephen Covey’s famous book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People’ he said:
”To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination.”
My mentee didn’t know her destination (what is a deal?)
Being clear about where you’re going is key to:
Systemisation using Notion
The same applies if you’re thinking (or in the middle of) using Notion in your Real Estate Business
Plan what your business will look like once you’re set up in Notion.
Here are some things to think about:
You wouldn’t set off driving without deciding where to go, so take a few minutes to think about how you’ll use Notion in your business.
If you need any help with this book a discovery call - I'd love to help! ??
#RealEstateInvestor #RealEstateInvesting #PropertyInvestor #InvestmentProperty #Notion #AndyGaughtThoughts
Great point! Having clear goals with Notion can make a huge difference. If you’re looking to maximize its potential, check out LockBoxy. It enhances Notion with advanced data governance and intuitive form creation, helping you achieve your business objectives more effectively.