Do you have non-infectious sore throat?
Lysozyme crystals

Do you have non-infectious sore throat?

One in two people who use their voice professionally experience non-infectious sore throat at least once in their career. If left untreated, a chronic non-infectious sore throat can decrease quality of life and can have detrimental consequences. This condition is characterized by inflammation due to overuse or inappropriate use of voice. 

A small number of people are aware of this condition, even among healthcare professionals. Because of that, they are not seeking help. What is interesting, very simple treatment can bring benefits. That treatment is based on lysozyme, an enzyme that is part of our own immune system.

Lysozyme is a fascinating molecule that can be called “a guardian of our health”. We are all born with lysozyme, it is part of our immunity from the very first moment of our life. Mother’s milk is very rich in lysozyme. This enzyme is found in all parts of our body exposed to the external world or involved in defense against infections.

Lysozyme is involved in the control of inflammation in our organism, so has potential multiple beneficial effects on a non-infectious sore throat. For more info, read the article


