Do you have a Low Libido?

Do you have a Low Libido?

For the past 18 months, I have been through a challenging time.

Prior to the beginning of 2020 I had been competing as a bodybuilder since 2008. Winning the silver medal at Mr Britain competition, my last time on stage was when I won Mr London.

After that competition I decided to retire as I had achieved what I set out to, which was a look I once saw in my mind reflect at me in the mirror. It was time to explore my hidden gifts and talents, and to put that same focus into other passions I have. Other than my interests in growing my business, starting a family, and creating a legacy, I wanted to try and explore many of the things I was blinded from whilst in that tunnel vision mindset.

I had spent a whole decade preparing for multiple bodybuilding competitions, participating in them, and winning various titles. For ten years, I was focused on one thing and had dedicated all my energies into it. After retiring, I went through a difficult period

Going through several low days being consumed with depressive thoughts, I assumed this to be normal for anyone coming off over 10 years of a competitive career in any chosen sport.

I had a lot more support than before, because with this changed life, I was becoming more open. I was changing my perceptive in life, and the people who were coming into it, as well as the people who were exiting.

However, deep down I felt a little lost and simply didn’t have the same drive. I was depressed and experienced bouts of emotional instability.

With every passing day, I felt as if my shadow was getting less and the flame inside was no longer burning that bright. I had started losing muscle and gaining fat. I was more fatigued than before, more drained, and I was simply not in the same focused head space as I once was. I thought of this to be expected, with me putting more time into building my business and sleeping less. On a daily basis, I was having more in-depth conversations and solving bigger problems, so I didn’t make much of it.

What was becoming a little more concerning was that my sexual desire was not like before. It was an alarming status when I noticed that I could not recall the last time I woke up with a morning erection.

That’s when I knew something was wrong, and I could even exactly pin down what the issue was. I’m far from stupid, and I have a great experience in signs and signals to look out for in many of the conditions we find our self in, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

So I went to my doctor, and I asked for a full blood count, and ensured they checked my Testosterone, Total and Free.

The results came back confirming my conjecture. My testosterone levels were extremely low.

The normal healthy range for someone my age, of FREE testosterone, is 9-30 nanograms per liter (ng/L), mine was 3.6ng/L.

I will admit I am not a saint and when I was competing, I did what I needed to do to stay competitive and become the best. I ate very restrict fully, I trained extremely hard, pushed my body to its limits.

I was obsessed and so I did what I needed to do and I took what I needed to. I was fully aware of the consequences this would have on my body in that moment and the future, but those were a few of the sacrifices I was willing to make.

So, I accepted my state, and the doctor put me on some medication to trick my pituitary gland to release home testosterone as well as medication to bring my estrogen levels down.

I changed my diet, my training style, and my lifestyle. I knew I needed to give it appropriate time to see any improvements.

6 months later we repeated the test, but to my dismay my testosterone levels had not changed at all.

It was clear that more work and possibly a different plan was needed. I underwent testicle examination and ultrasound to figure out if there was any internal issue. The doctor checked for any varicocele veins that could be causing poor blood circulation.

We ran some more tests and started on more medication, deciding to give it another 6 months.

6 months later, there was still no change at all. As you can imagine, now I was getting frustrated. It was even more upsetting for me as my body was regressing from a champion winning physique, a physique that I had maintained for over 10 years of my life.

I knew the easiest thing to do was to take hormone replacement therapy, and my levels would be good, but anyone who knows me can say that I have never been the one to take the easy route.

In all this there was an opportunity to learn, and I was determined to find a way. I wanted to investigate this matter in more depth, to study it harder to help more men like me find a way out. Besides that, I was aware that once you go on replacement therapy, you are on for life. It can have a negative effect on your sperm count. It was very important to me and my wife that I don’t jeopardize in any way the potential opportunity of expanding our family.

6 months later, and in all 18 months post discovery, my Total Testosterone was 216ng/DL while the normal range is 300-800ng/dl. My Free Testosterone was 3.7ng/L, which is still extremely low.

More tests were done this time, resulting in more attention being brought to a deeper issue which we are now investigating.

We have come to the conclusion that the issue stems from my body’s genetic lack of ability to remove the amount of iron in the blood stream. This impacts all my body levels, including those of my liver and kidneys, which I had previously assumed to be a side effect of using certain supplements.

Every event has lessons, and every struggle has meaning. Going through this what has been most important is to not give up or give in. I will not settle for anything less than what I deserve and that is a healthy looking, functioning, sustainable body, that will carry me to the end of my long life, and support all my and my family’s adventures.

I used this opportunity to learn how to train to increase your testosterone, how to eat, how to sleep, how to think, how to supplement, and how to a find a way out of no way.

Not only will this opportunity help my future, but it will help anyone suffering from an inevitable imbalance that will come to us at some point in our life. That is simply how mother nature works but if you can slow it down, learn and understand how to best optimise your hormonal functions, for the best results possible, then why shouldn’t you.

I have studied, I have tested, I have been through the highs and lows, and now, I am going to share all this information with you.

As I continue to learn more, so will you. Knowledge without an intention to pass on is limited, but knowledges passed on is wisdom, and wisdom has no limits on how much progression it can create.

Do you want to come on this journey with me? Reach out to me and sign up for a free consultation today!

Alone we are strong, together we are unstoppable!

Christian Williams



Christian Williams is a global body transformation coach hailing from Wales and settled in Dubai. In 2017, he founded?Christian Williams Physique Transformation?which offers in-personal and?online coaching programs. However, how his programs differ is that each nutrition and training plan is individualized to a clients' requirements instead of providing a blanket program. He compliments his programs with weekly check-ins to ensure clients are progressing in the right direction. Christian has accumulated over 16 years of experience, knowledge, and education in the fitness industry and uses it to help as many people as he can. Christian was awarded Silver PT of the Year by the prestigious Middle East Fit Awards in November 2020.

With a practical background of competing in a variety of bodybuilding competitions since 2008, he has also won titles of Mr. Wales, Mr. England, Mr. London - to name a few. Through his articles, he aims to mentor personal trainers and pass on his learnings, accumulated over the years, in order for them to become the best versions of themselves so they help their clients achieve their goals.


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