Do you have lists?
We all have a lot to do and not enough time to do it. Ask anyone and they will say they have a "to-do" list... but do they really. Beyond that, should we have several lists to help us keep our business activities on track.
Should salespeople have...
It amazes me how many people say they failed to get things done, or that they forgot to do important things. How does this happen? I believe that it is easy to write down your list and review it, even to check off tasks as they are completed. But in our busy day is it reasonable to think that we can keep all our tasks in our head without forgetting something?
Writing things down and getting in the habit of reviewing them several times a day will help prevent things from falling through the cracks. It will prevent us from missing deadlines because we forget about them. It will help us time block better and we can all use better time management.
A short tip I know... but one that I think we all can benefit from.