Do You Have Leadership Presence?

Do You Have Leadership Presence?

Does everyone notice you when you walk into a room? Your personal presence feeds your professional presence and they both come from within and are under your control. By strategically elevating your leadership presence and using it in concert with your other Absolute Attributes, you can take your influence as a leader to a whole, new level.?

Personal presence is not easy to define, but we all know it when we see it. Everyone notices it when you walk into a room. Almost on cue, heads turn and people step aside. Regardless of the subject being discussed, the conversation opens up to include you. When you speak everyone listens. When you ask a question, someone is always there with an answer.

The same is true with what can be called leadership presence. Leadership presence can be thought of as the ability to do at least a couple of things very well. The first is to demonstrate your worth, whether to one person or to hundreds of thousands of people, in an authentic way. The second is to connect well with your stakeholders.?This requires being authentic, comfortable in your own skin and being able to get your message across to everyone who should find it important.

As an organizational leader in today’s environment of global commerce and social media, you have literally hundreds of interpersonal interactions each and every day. If at any time you fail to instill confidence among subordinates and peers, you may lose their loyalty, harm their morale and hinder their ability to execute

Personal presence is not easy to define, but we all know it when we see it. Every one notices it when you walk into a room. Almost on cue, heads turn and people step aside. Regardless of the subject being discussed, the conversation opens up to include you. When you speak everyone listens. When you ask a question, someone is always there with an answer.

The same is true with what can be called leadership presence. Leadership presence can be thought of as the ability to do at least a couple of things very well. The first is to demonstrate your worth, whether to one person or to hundreds of thousands of people, in an authentic way. The second is to connect well with your stakeholders. ?This requires being authentic, comfortable in your own skin and being able to get your message across to everyone who should find it important.

Similar to the adage, charity starts at home, developing a strong command of our leadership presence also starts at home. Because presence is the radiance of authenticity, it is a major factor when it comes to leading yourself and leading others.

Home is the place where we radiate the most sincerity and learn what it takes to make good things happen on a consistent basis. Leading ourselves to recognize and appreciate presence, starts with recognizing and appreciating who we are as an individual and as a leader.

As an organizational leader in today's environment of global commerce and social media, you have literally hundreds of interpersonal interactions each and every day. If at any time you fail to instill confidence among subordinates and peers, you may lose their loyalty, harm their morale and hinder their ability to execute.

?The impact, reach and power of presence is not only limited to your co-workers, but to everyone with whom you come in contact with throughout the day and every day. Your presence or lack thereof, as an individual and a leader, can be a major factor in your relationships at work and at home.

The Leadership Advantage: Do More. Lead More. Earn More.
From: The Leadership Advantage: Do More. Lead More. Earn More. by Ervin (Earl) Cobb. Courtesy of RICHER Press

You should remember that your presence is an Absolute Attribute. That is, presence is vital to what completes you as an individual. Your personal presence feeds your professional presence and they both come from within and are under your control. By strategically elevating your leadership presence and using it in concert with your other Absolute Attributes, you can take your influence as a leader to a whole, new level.?

Learn more about how can elevate your presence and the Ten Absolute Attributes here.

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