Do You Have Integrity?
What's more important, your integrity or your reputation?
They're not the same thing.
It's funny how I stumbled on this article written by Tony Dungy (yes the former NFL coach) as I was questioning the strength of my own integrity.
Here's the backstory.
Last week, I think Thursday morning, as I walked into the break room intending to make a pot of coffee, there stood a tray of home-baked cupcakes. Those little, bite-sized cupcakes.
The first one went down within seconds. Of course you can't just eat one so I had a few more. And a few more when I came back to fill my coffee cup.
I always say that perfection is not required to be healthy and fit. It's true. You don't have to be all goody two shoes every day.
But it's never a good sign when you give in without a fight first thing in the morning. It sets you up for a crappy day. And that's just what happened. I didn't feel good with all that sugar in my stomach and I ate more junk throughout the day.
The obvious problem for me is that I tell folks all the time, don't eat this crap. Increase nutrient density; more protein and quality fats; veggies, nuts and seeds, blah, blah,blah.
Where is my integrity as a health coach if I don't heed my own advice?
How can I expect you to make better food choices if I can't do it myself? It's a valid point.
Integrity with your mission or whatever path you're on is important.
Your integrity is measured by the actions you take when no one else is watching.
It's all you.
Reputation, on the other hand, is what others think of you. Far less important and often they're wrong anyway.
My Redemption
I decided to fast today as I was writing in my journal this morning planning my day. I just felt like I needed to clean it up a bit and probably (subconsciously) wanted to prove something to myself.
So kinda deja vu like, I walk into the break room again this morning to make coffee and there sits half a package of those Albertson or Safeway cookies on the counter. Not home baked but they're pretty good.
The chewy oatmeal raisin ones, the white chocolate chunk kind and basic dark chocolate chip too.
I literally laughed out loud when I saw them. Is this Candid Camera or what?
I said to myself "Well here ya go, are you fasting or are you eating these cookies?" And I thought about integrity with my mission.
I made the right choice.
Your results are not driven by some super workout and perfect mix of macro-nutrients coupled with secret supplements, meditation and good genetics.
It's simply how you respond to the many micro-decisions you face all day long.
Greatness is always in the moment of decision.
That's the whole point. That's where you win or lose.
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