Do you have an Idea for a Book?
Sigrid de Kaste
Marketing & Visibility Strategist for Smart, Strategic, High-Impact Visibility with Virtual Expos ?? Be More Visible, More Credible, More Profitable Exhibiting your Expertise Globally
Here is a common question I get in messenger almost weekly: ‘Will my book idea work?’
If this is a question you have, read on, I’m about to share how you will be able to tell, if your ‘book idea’ will work.
Writing a book and being an author still has that ‘celebrity status’ feel attached to it, and you may see yourself with your very own book in your hand, getting a phone call or email from a celebrity, maybe Oprah, who wants to interview you about your amazing book.
One call, one interview and you’re FAMOUS, is often on the mind of people, when they think about writing a book.
In my experience, this is NOT how it works!
Firstly, let’s be clear about WHAT type of book you are thinking about writing:
1.- Is it a ‘fiction’ book you are thinking about writing? Is it a novel, sci-fi or fantasy story?
Writing a fiction book does take a lot of time, skill and effort and if you do not plan on exactly who (what type of reader) you are writing the book for and you do not make any book launch and marketing plans BEFORE you start writing, you may well ‘sit’ on your book, once it’s finished.
…and by ‘sit’ I mean, you may have a difficult time to make sales in a way it returns you any money.
This is a situation where your ‘book idea’ may not work, not in the way you hope for.
2.- Is your book going to be about an ‘experience’ you had, something that changed your life, something that made you stronger or taught you a ‘lesson’?
If you are thinking about writing a book about an experience you’ve had and you think: ‘loads of people will want to know about it’, put that thought aside and think instead:
WHO exactly are these ‘loads of people’ who will want to know about your experiences?
You’ll also want to figure out WHERE these people are looking for a book like you wish to write, before you start writing.
And one other important part to have, if you want to write a book about an experience you had, is a large following of people on social media.
If you can make use of a large community of followers to promote you and your book, you may have a chance of getting people interested in your book.
In this case, your book idea MAY work but you better be prepared for some deep, detailed research and planning before you start writing.
3.- If you are a coach or consultant, established in your business and writing a book has been on your mind for a while, or the people around you are telling you, you should write a book, you have an AWESOME opportunity to take your business to the next level with your book!
If this is you, writing a book can raise your profile and position your expertise so that plenty more people get to know about you and your amazing work and it is possible to plan to get into the media or be interviewed by ‘famous’ people because of your book!
If you know that people love to work with you, they are amazed about your personal story and your expertise, and many have said: “You should write a book, so more people get to know about you and your amazing method!”
…start writing that book NOW.
…there’s just one GLITCH: being in business, being established in your business and serving clients with a proven method and wanting to write a book, does NOT mean your ‘book idea’ will work…
…and here is why:
Loads of coaches are ‘dreaming’ of writing a book, some dream for a long time and never start writing.
Some start writing and then get ‘stuck’, whichever one you are, what’s usually missing is a ‘book outcome’ planning process.
Making a book idea ‘work’ starts with planning what you want the book to do for you and when you know what that is, you will know who you need to write your book for and what you need to write about.
For example, when I wrote my second book, I wanted the book to help me build my marketing agency.
Knowing that, I decided that I wanted to attract businesses where the owner was doing the marketing and needed a combination of ‘done for you’ marketing services and learning more about marketing so they could do it themselves.
?Next, I’d ask around what the most often asked for marketing services were, these people needed and that gave me the clue for the book title and what I’d need to write about, chapter by chapter.
That book idea ‘worked’.
That book helped me position myself and my marketing agency, as the first choice in the area I wanted to get clients.
So, if writing a book is on your mind, and you’re a coach or consultant established in your business with a proven method and happy clients, I have created a proven formula and framework that brings the entire process of writing together so your book idea ‘works’.
We make sure nothing is missing, and your book writing journey is smooth and simple to follow, a ‘map’, like a personalized ‘paint by numbers’ canvas, WITHOUT it being a generic ‘template’!?
You’ll use this ‘map’ first to plan and write your book, smooth and ‘in the flow’ of your expertise. Then it takes you through the process of publishing, including editing, layouts, and formatting, so it’s also visually professional. And lastly, marketing, the part that helps you reach more people, raise your profile, and position your expertise. We leave nothing out to make your book idea work!
If that is something you’d like to experience and make your book idea work, you can get my help.
Simply PM me and we’ll have a messenger chat to see if this is a good fit for you and your book idea.
…and if you’d like to ‘go it alone’, I hope this has helped you.
...and if you're looking for some more CLARITY around your Book Idea, I have a 3-Day Online Workshop coming up: From Confusion to Clarity: Learn the Keys to get you Started AND keep you going to get your Book DONE!
Simply comment below and I'll invite you to the workshop