Do you have enough money saved up for retirement?

Do you have enough money saved up for retirement?

According to The NY Times, you should have a well-padded cushion of savings by age 50 if you want to retire comfortably.

This is how it should look:

By age 50, have five times your annual salary saved. ( $100K income = $500K savings)

By age 55, have six times your annual salary saved. ( $100K income = $600K savings)

By age 60, have seven times your annual salary saved. ( $100K income = $700K savings)

The Times also reports that less than 13% of Americans have a pension plan.

How does your situation look? Are you on track to retire comfortably?

If not, no need to panic.

We can guide you in getting there.

If a business owner who is currently 50 years old starts putting away $2,700 every month until he retires at 67. He/She would have amassed $1,245,344 by the time they retire (using average S&P rate).

Now you might be asking where will I get the money from to save? Well, most of the business owners that we do tax planning for were overpaying an average of $28,679 in taxes yearly.

This amount could easily be used to fund your retirement plan.

You might be overpaying taxes. Secure your retirement.

Let us give you a FREE business and tax assessment TODAY.


