Do You Have Enough Money??

Do You Have Enough Money??

You’re sick and tired of feeling stressed about money right?

Feel like you’re constantly saying I don’t have enough money or we can’t afford that?

I get it.

I’ve been there.

It’s one of the worse feelings. You just want to be able to provide for your family.

To be able to buy clothes for your kids when they outgrow them or put holes in the knees from playing…

Here’s a conversation with my son where I share a simple principle to help you with your money mastery journey so you can stop saying I don’t have enough money

Watch the video below

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YOUR ACTION STEP FOR TODAY – Spend 10 minutes envisioning what you’ll do when you have more money. Money is a tool and you use that tool for what you want. Grab the Budget Makeover Guide so you can find the extra hiding in your existing personal finances starting today! No additional income required.

I Want The Budget Makeover Guide

Read It! Do You Have Enough Money?


Are you tired of saying, I don’t have enough money.


There was a conversation that I had with my eight year old yesterday and I thought of you, because I think this is going to be really helpful for you. And the shift that I was able to share with him around money, I think, is really going to help you out. But before we dive into that I wanted to quickly introduce myself so my name is Aimee Cerka and I’m the Money Confidence Coach and founder of Money Masters Inner Circle. So I help moms like you master your money by creating confidence in your ability to solve the money problem so you can stop living paycheck to paycheck, and instead create options security and build wealth.


So let’s go ahead and jump into I’m going to share this story with you but if you’re just joining us, we are talking about the shift that you can make. If you are tired of saying, I don’t have enough money.


So the story conversation that happened with my eight-year-old William yesterday so we’re in the car and he randomly pops up and he said, Mom, do you know what’s better than money?


I was like, no William, what is it, and he said, being saved by Jesus, which of course was like aww, made my mama heart super happy, but then we were able to have this conversation. And this is the shift that I think is going to be able to help that I was thinking about you that this will be able to help you.


Then I said well, money is just a tool, though. So, like a hammer. A hammer is something that you use to be able to create a hole for your nail you hammer in your nail with your hammer, right, so it’s just a tool.


Well, money is a tool also.


Money is what allows us to be able to do the things that we want to do. So we have more money, we’re able to give more to the people that we care about, we’re able to spend more time with family, we’re able to go on vacations we’re able to do more fun stuff. And we’re able to do things more comfortably have that security those type of things.


Money is just a tool like we get to choose what we do with it, and he was like, “Oh, that makes sense, money as a tool” simple little switch that the eight year old was able to grasp but I thought of you because I know, I know where you’re at, I know that feeling of always having to say like there’s not enough money and that feeling of not having enough money.


But that doesn’t have to stay like that so if you’re thinking like, that sounds great Aimee, but I don’t have enough money like that’s still the problem here is I don’t have enough money, even if it is a tool, there’s not enough of it.


I have my Budget Makeover Guide is designed for moms who are ready to stop stressing over money. So, what the Budget Makeover Guide does is it helps you discover the money that’s already hiding in your existing personal finances there’s no additional income required, and I’d love to get that to you so if that’s you, And you know that the Budget Makeover Guide is for you because you’re ready to stop stressing over money. Drop money in the comments and I’ll make sure to get back to you.

Conversation with my eight year old, money is a tool. Money is something that we just use to be able to do more of the things that we want to do whether or not is giving more, whether that’s doing more fun stuff, whether that’s creating the options for you.

Maybe you want to stay home with your kids.

Maybe you want to hire some help to have a housekeeper

Have a full-time nanny or part-time nanny something like that so

You can do more of the things you’re only you can do, and it’s still a tool because we have to have the tool to be able to accomplish those things. So if you are tired of saying that you don’t have enough money or you don’t have money, then grab the Budget Makeover Guide again comment money in the comments, and I will make sure to get back to you so you can stop stressing over money and don’t forget, money is a tool. We’ll see you later. Bye.


Hey there if you enjoyed this training these tips today. I highly encourage you to go ahead and grab the Budget Makeover Guide. So what the Budget Makeover Guide is going to be is a PDF download that’s going to give you seven tips to discover the extra that is hiding in your personal finances. Now, the average person finds $250 a month, right now with an increase in their income that they make and be applying somewhere else in their finances, they just don’t even know if it’s hiding in there. So go ahead and make sure you grab that Budget Makeover Guide the link to grab that – there’s either going to be a button directly below this video or go directly to grab the Budget Makeover Guide and we will see you later. Bye.

YOUR ACTION STEP FOR TODAY – Spend 10 minutes envisioning what you’ll do when you have more money. Money is a tool and you use that tool for what you want. Grab the Budget Makeover Guide so you can find the extra hiding in your existing personal finances starting today! No additional income required.

I Want The Budget Makeover Guide

Want to see what it would be like to master your money? I have 4 ways I can help you:

1. Budget Makeover Guide - Ready to stop stressing over money? Before anything else, grab the Budget Makeover Guide. Here you'll find 7 tips that we personally used to find the extra hiding in our existing personal finances - the best part is that no additional income is required! Claim Budget Makeover Guide ?? 

2. Financial Foundations Kickoff - For Moms who are ready to master their finances, with personal 1:1 support. In the Kickoff program, we work together to create a strong financial foundation so you can create financial security while improving your offense so you stop living paycheck to paycheck and start to truly build wealth. We tackle the battlefield so you're ready for life's challenges all while still being able to live life! Learn More Click This Link ?? 

3. Money Masters Inner Circle - A guided experience for those Moms who are tired of feeling stuck and want to achieve their financial goals so that they can afford the options, security, and lifestyle of their desires... This is perfect for those who aren't ready for the Kickoff experience yet! Join Us Click This Link ?? 

4. Budgeting For Success Worksheets - These are the worksheets that were created based on what I personally use, what a business partner uses, and what I see work best for clients. There are 5 different forms - while I recommend grabbing the bundle - you can also grab individual forms. Grab Your Worksheets ?? 

Want to Know More About Me? Hear My Story 

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Very helpful points. Find Your Pie brings to you the threats of having too many credit cards. Hope this will make your day better.



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