Do you have a dream?
Vanessa Freitas è´è¶
Estratégia | Desenvolvimento em Negócios | Gest?o | Projetos | Internacionaliza??o | Pesquisa | Criando conex?es, conectando propósitos
Dreams are fundamental to a life of purpose, but there's no achievement and conquest without a journey
Dreams are fundamental to a life of purpose. They're a kind of driving force to accomplish goals and achievements. They give meaning to life. However, dreaming is not enough. That's why this reflection's subject isn't about dreaming, but the journey we need to take in order to accomplish it.
Dreaming requires a realistic awareness of the journey.?
I find incredible people stories who challenge themselves to climb mountains. Who has never heard of great climbs like Kilimanjaro, Mont Blanc, Kala Patthar, Aconcagua, Orizaba, Everest [...]? In any life's sphere, I think that "climbing mountains" is an excellent metaphor when we talk about journey and achieving dreams. It's a path full of challenges, dangers and emotions.
Let's reflect together on some important points of a life's journey?
- There is a journey. There's no use in dreaming and wishing for so many things in life without understanding that there is a journey to be taken. There is no mountain without climbing.?
- Planning is need it. A dream that remains in the realm of ideas is just a dream. Dreaming requires planning, establishing goals and objectives, understanding what will be necessary to achieve a great conquest. Dreaming the top of the mountain requires understanding what is needed for the climb.?
- Don't underestimate the "small beginnings". Everything in life starts from a seemingly "smaller" place. But we cannot underestimate the beginning, the starting point. This is the place where we learn the principles that sustain the journey. "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much". For every mountain top to be conquered, there is a valley to be cleared.
- There're cycles to be lived and fulfilled. For each conquest, there are specific moments to be lived on the journey. Nobody starts a journey one day and ends it the next one. From the valley to the top of the mountain there is a long way to go. Each cycle of the journey defines who we are, teaches us and strengthens us to sustain the achievement and live new experiences.
- There are good days and bad days. There are sunny and cloudy days. There are storms and calm. Days are not always the same on the mountain or in life. And that's just the way it is, as they say nowadays: it's all right! Every day teaches us something. Not about the condition of each day itself, but about how each condition teaches us something.
- Living today, without thinking only about the day of achievement. When we look at the journey, the top of the mountain seems very distant, sometimes impossible to reach and conquer. Looking only at the top (the future) can be discouraging and distracting for us in the process. It's good to look it up once in a while, but we need to live "the today" (the present) and understand what it has to teach us.
- The power of a little each day. Human beings have this mania to do everything at once, we want everything to happen quickly, but the experience of a little each day, exercising patience, persistence and discipline will take us further. Speed is sometimes necessary, and sometimes agility will make more sense, but a journey well taken is one in which we assimilate all the essential elements to arrive well and consciously at the "top of the mountain". There is no point in running, pushing the limits and "dying" in the middle of the mountain.
- There will be opposition, but also support. Loneliness, but company. On any journey there will be opposition and support. There will be situations in which we will not see the light at the end of the tunnel, even though it's always there. And there will be moments of extreme hope, when nothing seems to be able to stop us. There will be times when we will be our biggest barrier, only on the journey will we know our limits and learn about how to break through them. We will have people who will create barriers and people who will create bridges. There will be loneliness, but companionship that will bring us the sense that to go together is to go further. No situation lasts forever. We need to learn from the barriers and the loneliness and enjoy the bridges and the company placed before us.
- Inability will always be in front of us. We will never feel ready enough. The challenges of climbing will always put us in a place of doubt, either about our ability or about the certainty that we will reach the top, but it's important to have faith in what we have built along the way and to believe. Perfection is treacherous, don't rely on it. It doesn't exist.?
- The top of the mountain is not the final destination and it's not only about us. How many times have we established that to reach the "top of the mountain" is to reache the apex of our lives? To get there, to stay for a while, and to follow new dreams is knowing that life is a cycle of beginnings, means and ends. There is always room to conquer new mountains, the world is too big and as much as "Everest is a great desired destination", the world is full of other mountains to climb. Live your cycles and open yourself to the new. Oh, and never forget that it's never only about us. What we do is for us, but it also has to touch others. What's the point of conquering and enjoying it alone?
Discipline and consistency are fundamental to live the power of the little each day. Nothing is all at once. Everything is about each step we take toward what we desire.?
In concluding this reflection, what remains for me are four fundamental points:
- It's not about conquering the top only, about dreaming. It is about living intensely the conquest, but understanding that there is a journey, it is about living intensely each stage that leads us to this metaphorical place of the top.?
- It's not about getting there, but about staying there and being open to conquering new mountains. Life is a continuous cycle.
- It is not a solitary journey, nobody lives alone, grows alone, conquers alone. You have to go along, to go further.?
- It is about insisting, resisting, suffering and crying, rejoicing and smiling, breaking limits, having courage, it is about BEING OURSELVES [...].?
It seems so obvious to talk about this, doesn't it? But often the obvious passes unnoticed in front of us. Challenges often make us question the reasons for their existence. Why is it so difficult many times? At that moment we remember that a life of shortcuts deprives us of important learning and does not sustain the conquest.?
#ReadingTip: "Into Thin Air": A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster, by Jon Krakauer.
I could write many more topics with such unique aspects of a life's journey. How about you complement this list? I want to know about your experience on the journey. Share your thoughts on the topic here in the comments!