Do You Have A Crow’s Nest?

Do You Have A Crow’s Nest?

If you have been aboard any of the popular ocean-going cruise ships,?one of the popular night spots aboard is the club located on the top deck?of the ship.?The name is usually something like Roxy’s and then?followed by the words ‘crow’s nest’.

Why crow’s nest you might ask?

The crow’s nest was critical to whaling vessels in spotting whales at?sea as early as possible to direct the vessel to the whales and to?have the crew prepare for the kill.?This early sighting was made?possible by having the crow’s nest located at the highest point on the?whaling vessel.

There is other evidence of a practice by Viking sailors who carried?crows or ravens in a cage secured to the upper most mast on their?vessels.

Wouldn’t it be easier to have advance notice of what you are seeking?in your life and business?

In theory, various satellites circling the earth are providing information?to assist many organizations with this function. Some of these are?tracking weather patterns and their changes over time, movements?in population, sources of water and much more.

AI – Artificial Intelligence – advances are continuing where these may?be able to provide accurate forecasts of future events in various?industries. What events have you witnessed take place in your life?and business which had you known in advance they were about to?happen you would have acted differently or been more prepared for?their occurrence?

Seriously – take a moment and reflect on this and write down a list of?three, five or ten events if you have any.

What would you have done differently if you had some advance?notice?

Are you now wishing you had that advance warning?

What the technological advances do not currently give advance?warning of is the human mind, the various personality and emotional?reactions to events and to other people.

What if we turned this discussion on its head?

Completely change the conversation from an early warning to the?present.?What if each of us shifted our current thinking – our current?thought patterns – to exactly what we want and expect to happen?

What if we included in our current thought patterns what exactly we?will do – will perform – to enable what we want to happen to occur?

This shift from dreaming of having an early warning or early notice of?events so we may be prepared – will instead direct us to become?fully resourced to handle and perform as necessary to enable our?future to take place.

One warning – don’t permit distractions to sidetrack you.

Be consistent – so write out your thinking.

Repeat out loud your thoughts as described in your writing often and?at least once daily.

Mitch Tublin?is an entrepreneur and founder of?Wenkroy International LLC, a boutique consulting company with a?main focus of adding value to people.?Through speaking, training and coaching clarity is achieved and?distractions are reduced. People now focus on what matters most.?My passion is to take people to the next level in their life and in their?career and business.


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