theo clegg
Positive/C. Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Relationship Mentor, Life/Mental Health-care Coach/EAP Expert, AI Scientific Researcher, Inventor, Innovation Investor, Tutor & Author of Life.?.Get inspired for real life》Ireland
Whose wife or husband is that??? Tell me, what do you think is totally wrong with our very sad, confused, miserable and troubled world society today??? Wrong is never accepted as wrong; Law makers put all the effects in making sure that, many live in lawlessness and out the wonderful human ability to choose between right and wrong...?
Society powerfully live outside good godly values...we haven choose individualism creatively over good morals...which sadly leave many wonderful humans today on the wrong side of evil mindedness; Sad inner living leading to wrong ...lifestyles in bad expressions...dress and post porn and get a million attention...Live right, dress decent and look like not part of society... which makes most men and women to lust after each other passionately without any conscience, integrity, self valued or respect...The motive of right or wrong no longer exist....People today live anyhow in great self pride...A friend once told me, my work mate doesn't care whether I am married or have a big family or not...All she wants is to share me with my family...???? So sad...What a heartless and wicked generation.
People just live immoral lifestyle for themselves... infecting even others with good morals today....So that no one does right...not one. I see this as a mental development of evil mindedness...??? As a result of no fear of God...Take just a second and ask yourself this wise question? Why do most of us live just any how, or the way we choose to live today...? Why does stupid lifestyles get much attention in society today... such as cheating on our wives/ husbands or partners... What i see is even unfaithful partners with heartlessness are widely accepted or seen as great fun? While the faithful married couple is hared...Or we just don't have conscience or humanity has lost our wonderful ability of right and wrong??? Why are many empty, miserable and depressed? Would it be as a sad result of humans living sinfully, vainly and lustfully??? Why are many only full of mental corruption, evil mindedness, wickedness, selfishness, lust and vain desires that makes them act just any how, don't even care if they hurt others painfully??? The fact is that, if you can't feels others pain, you won't care what you do against others creatively?
There are many today, whose aim are only to destroy a good standing family, partners or solid relationships that has stability, long standing and history....?Why live badly consciously without any sense of inner guilt, conviction, regrets or inner repentance??? because as a fact, they don't have any sense of wrong or right??? Their human conscience are dead and sealed, and sadly due to that they have justified their human foolishness and therefore perfected their foolishness inside... accepting their wrong behaviour as right and does justifying their wrong doing...So sad.
As a fact, majority of wonderful humans today no longer see the difference between right/wrong, good/bad, kindness/wickedness, good/evil and light/darkness...? Everything is ok, fine and perfect...The creative science and technology world of much researches we live in is in total crisis or darkness...with many believers falling to identify this as a result of the Satanic one world systems of lunatic that embraces evil and punishes the right....The sad system is without any wise solutions or answers to its problems...actually it sees no wrong, so what's the point of building a transforming society that seeks the individual salvation of whole. Making many wonderful humans to err and not even see it...If Jesus tarries; A new generation will be born that is only full with evil because wrong is highly justified and accepted...while right is blind to the human eye, mind and heart.
Humanity rejecting hope has sold its soul to Satan; If you meet a man/woman who boldly says to you; I don't believe in God; Just be aware immediately that, that individual is Satanic and therefore has the capacity to be evil or bad to your good valued nature...Also ask yourself why society today... only seeks immediate or temporal solutions...The take away generations without any human sense of personal responsibility, accountability or purpose. The fact is that, society living in error and question has lost it big time...without even knowing or ready to accept...Therefore humanity is living under sin...while the grace of God is mocked by the ungodly...In my wrong, sinful life and mistake...I saw Jesus calling my name...and saying. Don't become evil like them...don't pay evil with evil and wrong with wrong! Even though you can, forgive and live in strength He says... Let go of the sad and difficult past; Yes you have fallen but repent and turn to me...Jesus He says.
I love you no matter what? And will always LOVE you and take you back...You are mine...Your name is written in my book of life...Then I looked behind me and saw His usual grace in my mess, with mercy standing by with its arms widely opened to embraced me...and I saw the compassion of God around me...With loving kindness and joy filling my heart; while I had sin, fallen, cheated and lied so many times non stopped...I saw hope. My own wicked mindedness and lust that led me to sin didn't matter anymore...even though I had forgotten my first love...
I embarked on the good journey to returned back to my God, from daily sinful living and nature sadly developed just like that due to bad company and vain attraction...But I have repented and changed my wicked ways, lifestyle and interest...It won't get me as a victim anymore...I will both endeavour and determine to look into the face of sin, evil mindedness, wickedness and vain attraction's face each day and say I have overcome you, your witchcraft and Satanic hold no longer control my destiny...I hate your sinful nature but love your victims...Your power has broken over my blessed destiny and life...
I have won, I have won, I have won...The battle with sinfulness...It no longer holds me, I am free, I am free, I am free...I was only rejected by lust, to be accepted in the most beloved...Jesus with all; The Father's unconditional Agape that's all that I really need in this life....And as a fact, I have got it, feel it and I am going to live for it from now on wards ...I will no longer cheat, sin or lie...I will not live like the others without any conscience...The sad and condemned generation going to eternal condemnation...without inner conviction and repentance...I have repented, back to my creator and saved...I will not live anyhow... God has so blessed me and I have no need...So wonderfully, I will live for him...
Oh creative mankind, why have lost your human ability of right and wrong, good and bad....So that. all we see today within most communities are badly damaged spirituality; emotionally, mentally and physically humans without that, being mentally destroyed, indiscipline, so confused and troubled; Many live without any inner conscience with the ability to choose between right and wrong...Nations are also making new laws that harms humanity without any good thoughts, mindsets, choices or decisions...
If society fails to take both personal and collective responsibility today; The generation ahead will get up one day just to see all the wrong behaviours and thing both God and our fathers fought so hard place and foolishly accepted and justified as right and good. Totally lost and empty people with God. As a sad result we see so many wonderful humans today, living any how and wasting their God given life without the sense of purpose, direction and vision. As the scriptures rightly states it! My people perish because of lack of knowledge.
We have all the master minds, high techs, IT new discoveries and all the researches of the age...??? However SADLY humans are oppressed, miserable, stress, empty, physically sick and depressed. Ask yourself why that??? Why that? You tell me....
So sad and so bad that, wrong has more friends that goodness...what is wrong is more accepted and popular that what is right! What world are we living in now??? Selfish and secular sad world with many having mental health issued...
Sadly we are ready to accept what is wrong in our challenging communities...justifying it and also being Satan human agents who both promotes. defends and accept what is wrong...Perfecting our own foolishness...
But what is wrong will always be wrong no matter who in power seconds it...The fact is no Jesus, no life...And what is wrong will always be wrong....The truth also beyond facts is that, without God's presence in is we are walking dead beings...So let us turn to Jesus.
The truth is that, when we loose touch with our mind, well being, spirit and soul; we have literally lost our minds and our conscience is sealed with red iron...So that we see no wrong....
A society without God and human conscience is in serious trouble....and are only miserable, empty and depressed. Ask yourself what that, all these top well known life coach, psychologists, psychotherapist, medical doctors and stars etc; Have everything they ever needed, but still yet, they live in such a sad and miserably in emotional sadness???Tell me why.
It's not okay...Something is wrong...But let is take our lives back and live it even better with more personal responsibility and conscience...We need to do order to get to where we really have to be both purpose, integrity and vision...Wrong can never be right no matter how we foolishly justify it! If you have fallen before like me...Pick up the pieces and and gather the remains...We have the opportunity as long as we are alive...Don't remain in the mess...