Do you have charity overwhelm?

Do you have charity overwhelm?

I know choosing a charity to support can be overwhelming in 2019.

It seems in today’s world we are bombarded! At every moment of the day someone is advocating for or advertising what seems to be a valid cause either on social media (hello), at the shopping centre checkout and in our mailboxes or at our door, and with many organisations spending more and more dollars on their marketing campaigns it’s hard to decipher the best cause.

From personal experience it is also quite alarming when we add up all the small miscellaneous amounts to these various charities … and it made me ask the question, "Am I really making an impact?"

So how do you know which are the most reputable, delivery, outcomes and service focussed organisations? Well it’s important to do due diligence and investigation, you can get online and read annual reports or use websites like

Or if you do not have the time why not leave it to 100 Women! ... let us do all the hard work for you. 100 Women is an independent grants fund that is powered by collective giving and has a grants due-diligence process to make sure your hard earned dollars are made the most of and treated with respect!

It has been proven time and time again that supporting Women and Girls in any culture or country has the biggest impact and ripple effect.

Our Grants team are experienced in the NFP and NGO sector and are informed and equipped to do all the research and due diligence when choosing where the money goes to ensure your dollars are put to good use in the areas of Women and Girls Health, Education, Safety and Economic Freedom.

Our grants team short list our grants applications and when you donate $25 a month or $300 a year you are a Member and get to vote on where it goes and 100% of the membership is a donation into our grants pool!

In the last 5 years our Giving Circle has granted $502,000 to 17 projects directly impacting the lives of 10,000 Women and Girls. with your help we can turn our 100K a year into 500K a year.

Today is EOFY so please make the most of your Tax deduction. Make it a beautiful day and join our 100 Women Tribe!


