Do You Have Bees?
??Barb Grant??
Change Management Mentor | Author of the Amazon #1 bestseller ‘Change Management that Sticks’??| I mentor change agents so they can deliver high change adoption and meaningful results ?????
The other day, I discussed the phenomenon of swarming bees with my 'Sell Change with Confidence' course trainees.
I use the swarming bee analogy to describe the frequent behaviour of the leadership, sponsors, key stakeholders, and interested onlookers on change projects.
One minute, the change agent is minding their business, beavering away diligently with their change plan, iterating that impact assessment and working closely with their stakeholders.
The next - everyone's peering over their shoulder, demanding to know what the learning will look like or how the communications will handle some particularly tricky quirk of the change.
It's 'all quiet on the Western front' - the next - everyone's up in the CM grill wanting answers on 'all the things'.
I talk about this in the book 'Change Management that Sticks'.
Usually, it happens in the 'shit just got real phase', around three months out from go live.
When it happens, you've just entered the transition point where people don't want you talking about possibility; they want CERTAINTY.
The trick is, of course, to be ready for the swarm.
Also, to be assured that it's a GOOD thing.
Better the scrutiny and reassurance phase now than right at go live.
And the bees do have predictable patterns.
You can use that swarm effect to your advantage.
See it as an opportunity to build deeper understanding, trust and confidence.
One thing I try hard to do in my offerings is codify the patterns.
You can anticipate a swarm at the following transitions: first significant tech drop, tech over-run (late delivery), budget drop or loss, first public consultation, User Acceptance Testing and pilot initiation, change of sponsor, change of Exec, reframe of scope, negative media scrutiny, unexpected move by a key competitor, new or revised legislation and regulatory oversight, or go-live date resets.
You must be ready for the swarm in change management because it will come.
When it does, your protective gear and your smoke are the pre-work you've done to anticipate these scenarios.
Listen carefully in any culture, and you can hear the swarm coming.
Listen, anticipate and plan your effective countermeasures.
How could you deliver lean learning?
What untapped stakeholder roles do you have to champion the change?
Who could help influence a powerful onlooker who has yet to get on board with the change?
If half of the delivery team were reassigned tomorrow, how could you still effectively deliver?
It's back to the power of the wondering, "What if...?" mindset.
Please make it early enough to anticipate the swarm.
Competent change agents aren't surprised by much!
What potential scenarios are in play right now on your current change assignment?
Look alive and keep your eye on the hive!
Your quick win for the week is this site I've just discovered that will create up to one thousand anonymised data sets for free!
Setting up valid anonymised data on change projects can be such a chore!
Bliss to assure the Privacy and Security Officer that the learning and change data sets are squeaky clean and risk-free.
Thanks, Mockaroo, for removing one real headache from the mix!
I've just run a free giveaway on LinkedIn for the last proof copy of my A4 Daily Planner for Change Managers.
Congrats, Karina, for being the winner. You wrote a great comment on your most significant change win this year.
I'll be running more giveaways pre-Christmas, so please keep an eye on my LinkedIn feed!
Finally, if you're a fan of bees, check out this fantastic bee lady on YouTube.
The calm voice and soothing presence are something to aspire to in some of our tougher stakeholder meetings!
As always, to your change management success!
Get my free 52-page PDF workbook for change agents here??Bonus Workbook
Check out my Sell Change with Confidence Course for change managers here?? Digital Course
Check out my change manager mentoring package here??Mentoring for CMs
Get my bestselling, gold award-winning book here??"Change Management that Sticks."
Get an A4 Daily Planner for Change Managers here??"A4 Daily Planner for Change Managers"
Find out more about what I do here??