Do you have any staff members that are 16-18 years old?
The Government have raised the participation age so that all young people must now stay in some form of education or training until they are 18. The guidance also includes engaging with those who are already in full time employment not undertaking a qualification to be encouraged to engage in accredited training.
If you have anyone already employed within your company who is aged between 16-18, we can offer you fully funded City and Guilds accredited nationally recognised qualifications to offer to them!
We also offer NVQ’s for 19+
Do you or your team want to gain an NVQ that is fully funded by the Government?
Please feel free to read about Positive Outcomes and the training opportunities we are able to provide. Our qualifications are of NO cost to your business.
Positive Outcomes are an award winning National Training Provider, specialising in apprenticeships and work-based learning. We have recently been awarded a ‘grade 2’ by Ofsted and are now included within the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) Top 40 Providers. We are consistently recognised for our high calibre apprenticeships and management training through numerous awards and accreditations.
We offer a variety of training programmes, suitable for a range of employees, from senior managers to support staff across a range of sectors, building on professional development and personal skills to enhance career opportunities.
The qualifications we offer are:
- IT
- Customer Service
- Hospitality
- Retail
- Sales and Telesales
- Warehouse and Storage
- Management and Team Leading
- Business Administration
Our training programmes are extremely flexible to ensure that the training process fits around the needs of both your company and its employees. At Positive Outcomes our priority is to ensure the training programme we deliver is specific and relevant to your company needs. This promotes effective teamwork ensures newly learnt skills are relevant to your business and creates a culture where employees feel valued; all of which helps profitability and improve staff retention.
If you do not have anyone between the ages of 16-18 and would like to take on an apprentice we offer apprenticeship placements to give young people the opportunity to succeed in their careers and make a positive contribution to our society and economy.
If you would like more information, please contact me on 0800 4880488 (ext.3223)