Do You Have ADD/ADHD?
Samaa Al-Moussalli??????
Cognitive Educational Psychologist Practitioner. Founder, Consultant, and Neuro Therapy Coach of Rising Brains. Ltd
Do You Have ADD/ADHD?
Many people who have clear ADD/ADHD have no idea they have it. So how do you know if you or a loved one has ADD/ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also called attention deficit disorder (ADD)? Answer these six questions:
1. Do you have a short attention span unless you're really interested in something?
2. Are you easily distracted?
3. Do you struggle with organisation?
4. Do you tend to procrastinate?
5. Are you restless and have trouble waiting in line or sitting still?
6. Do you tend to get yourself into hot water by saying or doing things you wish you hadn't?
If you answered yes to three or more of these questions, and the symptoms interfere with your life, you may have ADD/ADHD. Let's talk briefly about each of these symptoms. Having trouble paying attention is considered one of the primary signs of ADD/ADHD. However, that lack of attention doesn't apply in all situations. In most cases, people with this common condition have difficulty maintaining focus when it comes to ho-hum everyday activities-think housework, paying bills, or school assignments. But what's confusing is that these same people may have no problem at all paying attention to things they really like, such as playing video games, drawing, or swimming.
Distractibility is another major symptom of ADD/ADHD. This is where people see too much, feel too much, and hear too much. The human brain typically filters out myriad distractions so we can focus on what's most important. In those with ADD/ADHD, however, that filter is looser, allowing more external information to pass through into their consciousness. This explains why these people tend to be acutely aware of so many things around them at once, such as their itchy mohair sweater, a bird that just flew overhead, or the whirring of a ceiling fan. Disorganisation is another common trait, especially for their space and being on time, which can drive other people crazy. From early in life their personal spaces-bedrooms.?
backpacks, desks, lockers, and more are usually cluttered and unkempt.?
TODAY'S PRACTICE: How many of these symptoms do you have? Can you see any in your loved ones?