Do you have $10,000 to spend on a DUI?

Do you have $10,000 to spend on a DUI?

The financial impact of being charged with DUI can cost you much more than the fines and fess defined by the statute. There are many collateral costs associated with a DUI conviction.

In the state of Georgia, a violation of the DUI laws can cost first-time offenders at least $10,000 when accounting for fines and attorney fees. The financial costs are still only part of the consequences of a conviction when you consider personal, family, professional licenses, employment and reputation consequences.

The Basics

In the state of Georgia, you can be in violation of the DUI statute under 6 different sections, The most common deals with "less safe." If the driver is under the influence of alcohol or another prohibited substance to the extent that they are deemed less safe to be than they would be if they had not consumed the substance, then a charge can be made. The other common DUI charge involves a DUI “Per Se” in which your chemical test (blood, breath urine) result in a 0.08% Blood Alcohol Content (BAC).

The Financial Cost for a First Offense

Possible jail time for up to one year per misdemeanor violation.

Towing/Impound: $50 - $200 – this can add up daily.

Bail: $150 - $2,500 – this depends on how many offenses you have had, circumstances of your arrest, and your BAC level.

Probation fees, generally $35 - $50 per month, depending on the court.

Fine of $300 minimum, up to $5,000.

24 Hours minimum in Jail (your hourly wage x 24)

Minimum Forty hours of community service, minimum mandatory. ( your hourly wage x 40)

License suspension of up to one year and a $210 license reinstatement fee.

Risk reduction School ( DUI School)- $200 - $500.

Alcohol Evaluation and Treatment: $200 - $4,000.

Lost time from work reporting to court, probation, going to classes, counseling.

Legal Fees: $2,000 - $25,000.

Possible restitution for property damage and medical bills.

If you were arrested in another state, airline flight or mileage costs.

Increased auto insurance for at least 3 – 7 years

Most people facing a DUI in Georgia also face other tickets associated with the case, which could include speeding, reckless driving, failure to maintain lane, and following too closely, to name just a few. Add the cost of those tickets to the above list, and the overall cost of a DUI may be close to $10,000, if not more, In addition to the possibility of spending 12 months in jail per charge!

The Intangible Cost of a DUI

As if the drain on your financials wasn’t enough, there are the costs that go unseen as a result of a DUI. For example, your career could take a hit if you must take time to attend court, possibly go to prison, do community service, and attend DUI school and counseling sessions, all of which can take up a considerable amount of unpaid time. And if you hold a professional license, you will have to disclose your DUI upon renewal. For a salesperson with a company car or who are fleet insured, a DUI will likely end your position within the company. 

Finally, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, approximately one-third of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers (with BACs of .08 g/dL or higher). No one wants to lose their life due to being involved in a drunk driving incident. Therefore, think twice about driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol because the financial and intangible costs are excessive.

Christopher Chapman has extensive experience in the representation of clients charged with DUI and has helped clients successfully navigate the process from administrative license suspension appeals through criminal trials and subsequent appeals. If you have been charged with a DUI and would like a case evaluation, call us at 770-515-9584 to schedule a legal consultation.


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