Do you Get Upset??
Ajith Kumar
Head Of Sales & Operations at DV Analytics ll Design Thinking ll Developing Strategies & Creativity ll Game Changer ll Business Leader ll Master Prospector ll Learning ll Growing ll Dreaming ll Raising
Getting upset about the problem does not solve the problem. It does, however, burn up time and energy, and poison your attitude. Fretting is a poor substitute for action. Let go of the fretting, and opt for the action.
As natural as it may feel to get upset by life’s setbacks, you do have another choice. Instead of getting mired in dismay, you can decide to quickly pick yourself back up.
Just because you have something to get upset about, doesn’t mean you have to get upset. Getting upset doesn’t make you feel better, and it doesn’t accomplish anything, so there’s really no point in it.
What does move you forward is a positive perspective, and that’s something you can choose any time you wish. What does move you forward is focused, determined, effective action.
If you feel yourself getting upset, remind yourself that you have much better options. Choose a positive response, and get quickly beyond whatever was threatening to pull you down.