In this article you will learn the following
-33 causes of self-inflicted unnecessary stress
-100 techniques on how to prevent getting stressed without any real-cause or reasons
All of us get overwhelmed and stressed time to time - but in most cases they pass soon.
Although stress is a natural part of your being a human -?many times what you stress yourself about - are not worth your mental, physical and emotional energy.
With so many stressors in your life, relationship, professionally and in the society -?why would you like have additional self-inflicted stress to your day to day life.
If you are not focused on managing our stress and stressors and allow them to affect your life - even small stressors can add-up and damage?your health in multiple ways - like leading to illnesses such as depression, headaches, stomach disorders, heart disease, and stroke.
If you can look at what you can control and stop doing things that prolong and aggravate your stress levels?and focus on what you can do to help yourself feel more relaxed -?then the stressors will have less power on you.
33 causes of self-inflicted unnecessary stress
- 1.Visualizing and reliving past stressful situations?- this is one of the most useless stressor of replaying a stressful situation in your mind over and over -?because none of original stressors which caused you distress in the past are present?anymore
- 2.Your subconscious brain can't differentiate - whether it is still relevant or this you experienced in the past -?as long as you are thinking and reliving any past event while being emotionally attached?- you would manage to create stress within yourself
- 3.Reflecting on past negative incidences?will always create similar chemical and emotional reactions and responses in your body - as if they are actually happening to you right now
- 4. Magnifying small incidences as catastrophe?
- 5.Imagining the worst every time there is some negative thought props up
- 6.Generalizing even one time setback as the permanent one
- 7.Always assuming that negatives are permanent and positives of your life as temporary
- 8.Imagining a future event or situation - going badly and highly wrong
- 9.Projecting and visualizing only negative outcomes in the future
- 10.Worrying about these things - even when you don't have any inkling of all the variables and parameters and when you don't have any idea of what will happen
- 11.Procrastinating all those things that are making you scared, nervous, anxious and overwhelmed?- this avoidance and escapism can only increase your fear-factor, frustration and the magnanimity of the problem
- 12. No being concerned about honoring and respecting time - both for yourself as well as of others?
- 13.Being late so that you may avoid saying or doing things that is making you scared - this nothing but an ostrich mindset
- 14.Accepting every demand from others - even when you don't have the time even for your own important works
- 15.Comparing your life with others based on what others have shared on social media
- 16.Comparing yourself with others without even being aware of how others got what you are envious-of or feeling inferior-about
- 17.Relating your self-worth, self-worth, self-confident and self-esteem with other people's accomplishment
- 18.Oversharing on social media making yourself highly vulnerable from people who are just your social media connects without any rapport, trust and respect
- 19.Mental clutter as well as disorganized house, work-area or hap-hazard going about in day can make you feel stressed
- 20.Financial stress about how to manage your expenses
- 21.Worrying about money that you feel you have wrongly spent - understand that no one can unspent anything
- 22.Ruminating over your past mistakes and failures
- 23.Overthinking every future scenario with high negative expectations
- 24.Making statements and opinions of others - define your worth letting these create emotional-havoc within yourself
- 25.Being physically unhealthy and mentally-emotionally disturbed
- 26.Toxic relationships in your life
- 27.Not having the ability to deal with difficult people
- 28.Not knowing how to relax
- 29.Your attitudes and perceptions -how you view the world or a particular situation can determine whether it causes stress
- 30.Having unrealistic expectations - if you expect to do everything right all the time- you will be stressed many-many times
- 31.Major life change can be significant sources of stress
- 32.Using drugs and alcohol or any other substance to reduce stress
- 33.Inability to face the truth and facts or unable to accept things as they are
100 techniques on how to prevent getting stressed without any real-cause or reasons -?given randomly without any specific order - and all the single sentence advice have detailed do it yourself blog among my 900+ articles in both my websites
- 1.Overthinking and over-analysis can be overcome?by changing the way you think about some situations by replacing?these thoughts using various techniques given under this heading
- 2.Visualizing some positive affirmation which you want to happen - as if they are already happening?- to break the never-ending cycle of negative thinking
- 3.Learn and discover what types of meditation works for you best?and make this part of your routine like brushing your teeth - everyday
- 4.Learn and do deep and different types of breathing - everyday
- 5.Spend time in nature - in sunlight and among greeneries
- 6.To overcome worst-case-scenario thinking - if you cannot do it yourself -?you need to either seek help from someone who is objective and emotionally mature and balance?[or from an expert mental health professional]- to ask whether the stressor you are getting paranoid about - is realistic
- 7.If a future situation or a current event is making you stressed - ask yourself will this bother you few months or a year later
- 8.The trick is to ask yourself questions - to uncover and thereby challenge your assumptions, presumptions, perceptions and beliefs
- 9.Ask yourself do you have the skills to handle the situation -?in case your worst possible imagination comes true - and can you acquire these or even more importantly can you seek?help or outsource these stressors
- 10.Focus on taking action with full involvement of your brain and emotion?- rather than just sitting and ruminating
- 11.Divide the large challenges into exclusive milestones and stages?- then create tasks which are manageable and within your areas of control
- 12.Take small-small action to get a sense of accomplishment and positive reinforcements?- rather than trying to too-much too-soon or all at once and experience more frustrations
- 13.Ensure that all these small-steps and stages are taking you towards your long-term vision and goals
- 14.Before accepting any additional responsibilities, roles and demand on you time -?ask yourself - are these something refusing which will cause of big loss or can be simply avoided or delegated or outsourced
- 15.Learning and mastering the art of saying NO nicely yet firmly
- 16.Practicing to become assertive to express what you feel in the right manner
- 17.Learning to distinguish between -?what is within your power of influence and control and what is not
- 18.Give your 100% to what is within your control and important?and eliminate, delegate or outsource all what is beyond your area of control
- 19.Learn to let go of past-mistakes and the past by focusing on the current-positives?AND on the actions to be taken
- 20.Create your own benchmarks for success and happiness - which is to be based on delivering and creating excellence
- 21.Create and enforce healthy personal boundaries
- 22.Limit your exposure to social media - based on your goals and not for impressing others
- 23.Start impressing yourself and stop trying to make others like you
- 24.?Start decluttering your laptop, your work-space, your wardrobe, your room, your relationships, your professional and social space?-?visualize what you want the space to look like - before throwing anything ask yourself do you use this, do you need this and do you love this
- 25.Organize your relationships - break them into most important, needed and have to live with
- 26.Work on making your most important relationships better
- 27.Learn to manage your money - spend only after creating a saving first and that too within what you have
- 28.Learn to make prudent financial decisions - especially in all important and long-term acquisitions
- 29.Create resolve to spend money only from what you have - avoiding large purchases through credit cards
- 30.Avoid spending money just to impress people
- 31.Identify stressors - by sitting quietly think about -make your top 10 list in each the following
- I.What stressed you during the day
- II.What weekly events and situations stresses you to the point of disturbing your peace of mind
- III.Which people make you most stressed
- IV.What activities and things causes stress in your life
- V.Ask yourself which of them can be eliminated - then start to weed them out
- VI.All those that can't be avoided or eliminated - explore the various options and solutions to make them less stressful to you
- 32.Stop over-commitments - promise less deliver more
- 33.Go through the commitments that you have in your various roles towards your kids, your spouse, your parents, your passions and hobbies?- identify which one of them create most stress for and compare them with the value they provide- edit brutally -and take steps to remove the ones that stress you out the most
- 34.Create a?do it now habit?- do all that is essential as per your priorities of the that time
- 35.Make a conscious effort to start managing your time in such a way that you are little early rather than late?- by taking all the variables into your planning
- 36.Stop fighting and trying to control the world
- 37.Learn to let go of your need to control by delegating all that you can effectively
- 38.Focus on one task at a time and do your best in that
- 39.Stop multitasking - as it reduces the quality of your output and slows you down
- 40.Learn to manage your energy better as certain things in your life makes you more exhausted but adds negligent value?- identify those and cut them out
- 41.Learn to handle difficult, arrogant and toxic people if you can't avoid or get rid them
- 42.Learn to solve conflicts better
- 43.Become a better problem solver
- 44.Practice of?facing the challenging situations by confronting and facing them head-on
- 45.Simplify your life -?learn to simplify your to-do list down to the few essential tasks
- 46.Focus on the basics of happiness, success, growth and relationships
- 47.Slow down-?learn to take things slow - enjoy your food, enjoy the people around you, enjoy nature
- 48.Help others —to make the lives of others better - while enjoying adding value and making positive differences to others
- 49.Learn to relax using the right techniques
- 50.Exercise-?exercising helps relieve the stress buildup, it gives you some quiet time to contemplate and relax and it makes you more fit to handle stress
This article was originally published as "100 tips to stop getting self inflicted stress" for full article please follow this link