Do you get goosebumps feeling the divine

Do you get goosebumps feeling the divine

Getting goosebumps during prayer means that we are very sincere in our prayer that our thought, word and deed are all synchronized towards that Divine. This takes you to the exalted state due to confluence of feelings/emotions (of Mind) and thinking (of Intellect) consciously towards the supreme being God and results in this excited experience of goosebumps. This is a sign of true devotion. It is a positive reaction of the body during true devotion where the individual has forgotten the little ego and is involved fully in the higher thoughts of Divine in that prayer.

It is our body’s natural frequency during a particular period of time is shaped by the ideas and thought present momentarily. When in a prayer, the frequency of the notes being sung or played are synchronized with your outward self that is projected momentarily by your mind. This gives room for mutual frequencies that your body accepts as friendly. That is why in most instances we end up feeling good after a goosebumps in a prayer.?

Because something is being touched in them. Good music can touch your soul. A good artist has the talent and the ability to evoke this in you. But it is very personal. One person can be touched very much by a certain song, but another person remains indifferent when hearing the same song. Romantic love songs can touch your heart, you feel open, whereas rhythmic songs can evoke feelings of excitement in you. It has to do with the feeling of coming home when hearing certain music or certain songs. It is an interesting phenomenon. Experiment with it, it says something about you. You will really get goose bumps listening to some soulful music.

Musical frisson is the experience of goosebumps when you're listening to powerful music. It's a function of the same dopamine reward circuits in our brains that are at play in addiction and arousal. Not everyone experiences this phenomenon, though. Some people only have the experience very rarely. Others like myself actually become heavy-use musical frisson addicts at an early age. It's totally cool though, because it usually just means that the addicted someone learns to play an instrument or gets really into high end stereo equipment etc.

I can't even imagine not experiencing it since it has been a fairly regular occurrence for me since my earliest memories. Sometimes my frisson is so intense that my eyes will well up uncontrollably, and when I was younger I would sometimes get nosebleeds in conjunction with the standard chills, like some kind of weird, Beethoven-induced stigmata or something.If you are susceptible to musical frisson, it really comes down to your personal tastes as to which pieces of music will trigger this experience.

I always get goosebumps listening to these amazing lyrics written by Amir Khusro and sung very well by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

Chhap tilak sab cheeni ray mosay naina milaikay

Chhap tilak sab cheeni ray mosay naina milaikay

Prem bhatee ka madhva pilaikay

Matvali kar leeni ray mosay naina milaikay

Gori gori bayyan, hari hari churiyan

Bayyan pakar dhar leeni ray mosay naina milaikay

Bal bal jaaon mein toray rang rajwa

Apni see kar leeni ray mosay naina milaikay

Khusrau Nijaam kay bal bal jayyiye

Mohay Suhaagan keeni ray mosay naina milaikay

Chhap tilak sab cheeni ray mosay naina milaikay


You've taken away my looks, my identity, by just a glance.

By making me drink the wine of love-potion,

You've intoxicated me by just a glance;

My fair, delicate wrists with green bangles in them,

Have been held tightly by you with just a glance.

I give my life to you, Oh my cloth-dyer,

You've dyed me in yourself, by just a glance.

I give my whole life to you Oh, Nijam,

You've made me your bride, by just a glance.

These lyrics mend with Qawwali music will definitely give goosebumps to anyone who appreciates this kind of music.

There is another song "Paint It, Black” by Ciara which also gives me goosebumps every time I hear this song. It’s a dark-themed song, and one stanza goes something like this : “I've seen your red door and I want it painted black ; No colors any more, I want them to turn black ; I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes; I have to turn my head until my darkness goes.” And it’s really the dark theme of it in general that makes me attached to it. I don’t know why, and I don’t know when or how, but I somehow found myself attached to it. And when I listen to it, I do get goosebumps. It’s thrilling in a way.

And also, “Paint It, Black” by Ciara is simply a cover, and the original classical is by the Rolling Stones. It’s also called “Paint It, Black.” The first one I listened to was by Ciara, and thus my answer, because it gave me the chills. But the original is by the Rolling Stones, though I have yet to try them. Having no goosebumps means we used to that thing for a long time but you are talking about when you hear a new record too, so I'm going to assume that you heard that genre the record in for a long time so you could benefit of rejuvenating the music you are interested in by hearing a new genre of music or a different from the previous not just in it's name but in it's meaning and the used instrument. Cheers!


