Do you find writing rewarding?
Wing Commander Amarjit Singh Bindra
Reimagining Organic Farming in India Commanders Organic Farm & Food Forest
An article by Ms. Chanpreet Mehta working in Amba , A Moody`s company.
Writing is one of the most challenging activities I have undertaken. And it has been the most rewarding too!
When I was a teenager, I used to write almost every day in my journal. Most of the topics I wrote about were personal, but not everything. The journal entries I wrote during those days included short pieces of fiction, poetry, essays—basically anything that came to mind. I had never thought of myself as writer. I was just doing what made me feel good, putting my thoughts down when the muse struck me. Writing had become second nature to me and it appeared as if I was thinking through my fingers on the keyboard.
However, somewhere along the way, I got so immersed in the struggle of life that I lost my writing mojo. For almost a decade at least, I did not write anything other than what I was required to write for work. I had forgotten to write for myself.
To overcome the challenge …
For years, I struggled to express myself through written words. So many times I had tried to write, but words just did not come out. I was at a loss on how to get back to writing. Perhaps life’s numerous challenges had come in the way, although ideally they should have served as my inspiration.
One fine day, after so many years of struggling to express myself through the written words, I got inspired to write again. What or who helped, you might ask?
In this case, the credit goes to the legendary American author Ernest Hemingway. Last year, I had read his memoir A Moveable Feast. The couple of sentences that stuck with me and kept playing in my head ever since were: “All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.”
… writing for myself was the key
Since I got back to writing I have realized that, all these years, I had needed to write for myself, for my satisfaction, not just so I could achieve professional growth. I have realized that all of us can be writers and should write, even if the outside world never gets to see our creations. To me, writing is one’s thoughts put to page, which makes all of us writers. I believe writing is a habit all of us should cultivate, regardless of the language we use to express ourselves.
I often find it hard to find time for writing in my normal, busy schedule. However, writing provides a host of emotional and mental benefits and can have a positive impact on one’s sense of well-being. We don’t have to be professional writers to realize benefits from writing. And most importantly, it is never too late—or too early—to begin the writing journey. So there is no time like the present for you to begin. I would like to share how, I believe, writing has helped me and can help all of us.
Writing involves thinking and putting together the pieces of a puzzle to reach a conclusion.
Supports decision making. At times, I juggle too many thoughts in my mind, similar to when I am surfing the internet and open too many tabs on different topics. I have found that writing requires concentration and helps my mind to stay focused, process thoughts and information, and express them in a structured manner, thus helping clear the clutter from my mind. Writing my concerns, fears, and hopes allows me to see everything in black and white and helps me to identify and focus on important areas, thus offering a sense of direction.
Encourages awareness of surroundings. During the writing process, I often end up describing objects, situations, or feelings. While describing the details, I try to recall as many facts and observations about a topic as I can. At times, trying to recall the specifics of a situation makes me realize that I either missed observing certain details or forgot to store them in my mind. Then, from the next time, I start noticing and remembering more of these aspects as I go about living my everyday life.
Promotes learning. While talking, I often share statistics and ideas that come to my mind and I do not need to ensure that these facts are accurate or credible. Usually, the person I am conversing with does not hold me accountable, even if I am somewhat off the mark. However, writing forces me to seek more knowledge and research facts to ensure specificity and accuracy. This exercise offers the opportunity to study many topics in depth, thus helping expand my knowledge base immensely. On the whole, I have realized that writing about a topic encourages me to think deeply, consider differing point of views, generate new ideas, and observe more closely in the future, all of which lead to learning.
Leads to better communication. Regular writing offers opportunities for self-expression and helps me articulate my thoughts effectively. This exercise not only helps to hone my writing skills but also my speaking skills. It has helped inculcate in me the habit of organizing and structuring my thoughts and words effectively while I speak. I have found that effective communication skills (both writing and speaking) can pave the way for both personal and professional success.
Helps find voice. Writing down my thoughts, even if no one else sees them, enables me to express myself and find my voice. These thoughts could be about personal issues or even my opinions on economic and business issues. By regularly practicing this mode of self-expression, I have begun to understand myself better and sharing thoughts with others has become easier over time.
Offers opportunity to share and influence. During the challenging times in my life, writing has been not only an outlet for negative emotions and feelings but it has also helped provide a purpose. Writing allows me to share my expertise, experiences, opinions, ideas, and takeaways with others. The emotional connection with my audiences allows me to use my fears and disappointments to not only inspire the readers but also to instill positivity in their lives.
Keeps my mind active. Writing involves thinking and putting together the pieces of a puzzle to reach a conclusion. When I write, I try hard to distill my thoughts and support my arguments through accurate and appropriate facts. This process also involves structuring my thoughts in a way that they will make sense to others. Research shows that this kind of regular analysis helps keep the mental rust from forming and can keep mind sharp as one ages.
Writing is both an art and a science. I have found that I must be disciplined and write regularly to get the most value out of this rewarding activity. As a writer, I aim to express what I observe, feel, believe, or face in the simplest words. Thus, my focus on writing for myself helps me, even when what I am writing is meant for a specific audience. How does writing help you?
Content is king. This famous statement by Bill Gates is absolutely true in today's context. If the content is king then quality is queen certainly.
Have Fun !
Commander Who CARES