Do you find it difficult to Learn New Skills? Do you want to know how to LEARN?
Neuro-physiotherapist | Professor | Expert in Neurological Rehabilitation & Brain Health | Passionate Educator & Advocate for Patient-Centred Care.
# Do you find it difficult to Learn New Skills?
# Do you want to know how to LEARN?
Yes, we can learn anything? Learning is a SKILL.
Great learners can solve their problems, adapt, innovate, and build new skills.
# You can Learn at any given age, gender, or ethnicity, by anybody?
Provided you follow the Principles of Learning.....
# First Identify what do you want to LEARN?
# Write down your?SMARTER GOAL.
# Start with whatever you have in your hand.
# Practice, Practice, Practice.
# LOTS, and LOTS of Repetition?matter.
# Your brain requires?NOVELTY, New experiences.
# The best learning happens when you are slightly out of COMFORT ZONE.
# STRESS helps in Learning.
# Practice?MEANINGFUL and INTERESTING?activities.
# Practice Purposeful and Goal-oriented Activities.
# Practice the activities which are?Specific?to you.
# Learning involves Experience.
# Do one task focused?for more than three weeks.
# "Deliberate Practice" helps to learn better.
# Intensive and More Frequent Practice, more you practice more you get perfection.
# Focus on Quality of Practice rather than Quantity of Practice.
# Practice in a?variety of Enriched Environments and Situations.
# Get enough?SLEEP, it rewires the brain, self-healing happens, and Memory is improved.
# Eat a Balanced Diet... Add Low sugar, Berries, and Probiotic Yogurt.
# Reading Books, Crossword puzzles.
# To get Focus and Undivided Attention: Practice regular Meditation, Silence, Breathing exercises, Prayer, Visualization, and Daily Morning rituals.
# Regular Exercise like Walking, Yogasana, Dance, and especially?Resistance exercises of the lower limbs improve Memory.
# Your Brian requires?Challenging and Difficult tasks?to learn, the more you fail, you are closer to perfection.
# Mistakes are necessary for?Learning.
# Practice?Enticing, Engaging, and Educative?tasks.
# Lean to Ask?the Right Questions.
# Doers?Learn faster and better than?Thinkers.
# Practice it as close as?Real and Practical.
# Work hard, intense dedication is a hallmark for success.
# Active Participation and Engagement?matter a lot in Learning.
# More importantly take Constructive FEEDBACK?
# Action is the Fundamental key to Learning.