Do you find it difficult to Learn New Skills?

Do you want to know how to LEARN?
Nethravathi Back Waters Ullal, Mangaluru

Do you find it difficult to Learn New Skills? Do you want to know how to LEARN?

# Do you find it difficult to Learn New Skills?

# Do you want to know how to LEARN?

Yes, we can learn anything? Learning is a SKILL.

Great learners can solve their problems, adapt, innovate, and build new skills.

# You can Learn at any given age, gender, or ethnicity, by anybody?

Provided you follow the Principles of Learning.....

# First Identify what do you want to LEARN?

# Write down your?SMARTER GOAL.

# Start with whatever you have in your hand.

# Practice, Practice, Practice.

# LOTS, and LOTS of Repetition?matter.


# Your brain requires?NOVELTY, New experiences.

# The best learning happens when you are slightly out of COMFORT ZONE.

# STRESS helps in Learning.

# Practice?MEANINGFUL and INTERESTING?activities.

# Practice Purposeful and Goal-oriented Activities.

# Practice the activities which are?Specific?to you.

# Learning involves Experience.

# Do one task focused?for more than three weeks.

# "Deliberate Practice" helps to learn better.

# Intensive and More Frequent Practice, more you practice more you get perfection.

# Focus on Quality of Practice rather than Quantity of Practice.

# Practice in a?variety of Enriched Environments and Situations.

# Get enough?SLEEP, it rewires the brain, self-healing happens, and Memory is improved.

# Eat a Balanced Diet... Add Low sugar, Berries, and Probiotic Yogurt.

# Reading Books, Crossword puzzles.

# To get Focus and Undivided Attention: Practice regular Meditation, Silence, Breathing exercises, Prayer, Visualization, and Daily Morning rituals.

# Regular Exercise like Walking, Yogasana, Dance, and especially?Resistance exercises of the lower limbs improve Memory.

# Your Brian requires?Challenging and Difficult tasks?to learn, the more you fail, you are closer to perfection.

# Mistakes are necessary for?Learning.

# Practice?Enticing, Engaging, and Educative?tasks.

# Lean to Ask?the Right Questions.

# Doers?Learn faster and better than?Thinkers.

# Practice it as close as?Real and Practical.

# Work hard, intense dedication is a hallmark for success.

# Active Participation and Engagement?matter a lot in Learning.

# More importantly take Constructive FEEDBACK?

# Action is the Fundamental key to Learning.




