Do you feel guilt? Lots of mistakes?
You are who you are today because of that which you used to be yesterday.
Dear friend, if you tend to feel guilty once something is done?—?well you shouldn’t; if you do so, just know that it wastes your time and energy.
In life, you need to come to an understanding that;?
To every experience, whether it be good or bad?—?it’s part of your journey to becoming the person you are meant to be, or intend becoming.?
The Universe has a way of giving us what we believe we deserve, and dwelling on past mistakes or failures only hinders our growth and progress.
It’s important to realize that you did the best you could with the knowledge and resources you had at the time. Therefore, instead of feeling guilty or ashamed of your wrongdoings?—?take it as a lesson learned and use it to fine-tune your future.
Holding onto guilt only weighs you down and prevents you from fully loving and accepting yourself for that which you truly are.?
You should learn to let go of guilt and learn to love yourself.?
You should learn from your past mistakes and take them as a lesson instead of letting them drag you down.?
Always keep this in mind?—?you are not defined by your past mistakes or failures; you are defined by how you choose to respond to or perceive them.
Learning from your mistakes or letting go of guilt can be challenging, but it’s a necessary do?—?to help you step into the process of self-love and personal growth as an evolving being.?
Focus on the person you have become?—?the person you are today and use that opportunity to create a brighter future for yourself.
You are who you are today because of that which you used to be in the past?—?and trust me; if someone erases your past, you won't be the person that you are now.?
?Learn, grow, and live the life that you deserve.?
Gilda Given?:)