Do you feel fulfilled in your current role?
Executive Interview Coaching
You never get a second chance to make a GREAT first impression.
What are your career goals for the future? Do you really want to be in the same role next year?
If you’re looking to move on from your current executive appointment to something different, now is the time to start planning. Here are tips from Executive Interview Coaching founder, Richard Elstone - for making an executive career change.
Define your career goals
One of the most common interview questions people often encounter is, ‘where do you see yourself in 3 to 5 years’ time?’ If you have haven’t a clue, you’re not going to get very far unless you create some career goals. Think about where you see yourself in the short (12 months), medium (3 years) and long-term (5 years).
Do you want to progress sideways or vertically within your current organisation? Or would you prefer the challenge of moving on to another organisation?
“It’s only after asking yourself these kinds of questions that you can create a strategic career plan and make next year the first year to implement that plan,” says Richard.
Once you’ve defined your career goals, ask yourself whether your current role will allow you to get there?
“If the answer is ‘no’, you need to start figuring out what sort of role you would need as an interim step to get you to this next role,” says Richard.
Upskill as required
Now that you have an idea of where you want to be in the long-term, consider the types of skills you’ll need to reach your goal.
Tip: If you start looking at the job specifications now for roles you’d ultimately like to work towards, it will help you plan for any skills shortfalls you may have.
Do you need to upskill in certain areas? Maybe you want to be CFO one day and need to develop your commercial skills or financial acumen. Perhaps you need to work on making big presentations to shareholders, investors and analysts.
“If your current role gives you the opportunity to hone your skills and develop professionally, fantastic,” says Richard. “However, if not, it may be time to look for something else that allows you to broaden your skillset and work towards the end goal.”
Be prepared
If you’re planning to move on to a new executive appointment, now is the time to start preparing.
First, manage your online footprint and optimise your digital profiles. Your digital presence can be just as important as your resume or interview skills in landing you a role. In fact, it can be the deciding factor as to whether you get an interview at all.
Google yourself and make sure there’s nothing online that could jeopardise your employability. Check your privacy settings and lock down your social channels, so that head-hunters or search consultants can’t see your private life. Next, ensure your LinkedIn profile makes the right impression.
The second piece of the puzzle is your resume. It needs to be relevant, cut through the competition and really showcases your achievements. Lastly, make sure you are ready for the interview process. It can sometimes take months to fine-tune your skills in this area.
Start activating your network
Now that you’ve dotted your i’s and crossed your t’s with your digital profiles, resume and interview preparations, it’s time to activate your network.
The reality is that nowadays most executive appointments come from a referral to a head-hunter or search partner. That’s why it’s so important to leverage your network when searching for a new executive appointment.
You may even tap into upcoming opportunities for next year before they are advertised.
Don’t necessarily take the first offer
Our final tip is simple. If you’ve been in the same role for a while and you haven’t dived into the interview process for some time, you may be tempted to take the first role that’s offered to you. Don’t. Unless of course it’s your dream role.
Instead, ask yourself whether the role aligns with your strategic career plan. If it’s not going to help you reach your long-term goals, hold out for something better.
“A recent client of mine was a CFO looking to move into a CEO role,” says Richard. “We got him four job offers with different organisations. He ended up turning down the first three and only took the last one when he asked directly whether he would be considered as a succession to the CEO (which was his long-term goal). They said yes. He took the appointment.”
If you’re serious about moving on from your current executive appointment to something different next year, we can help you get there.
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Richard Elstone is a Principal and Director of Executive Interview Coaching. In addition to coaching, he is a Partner with executive search firm Amrop Carmichael Fisher.
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