Do You Fear Blogging Responsibility?

I am a bit tired now. I’ve been up since 6:00 AM with the dogs on this house sit. Two of the dogs are in heat. Fun.

OK; maybe not so fun. Seeing two dogs chase after each other for 15 hours each day tends to test the limits of one’s patience.

All jokes aside, it’s now time for me to write and publish a long form blog post because my intuition told me to do it. I also spotted a problem consisting of bloggers who struggle, fail and quit because they deeply fear taking on blogging responsibility. Being a more responsible blogger means losing freedom to them. Putting in the blogging work also means sacrifice which proves to be too overwhelming for most bloggers.

Humans cling to odd ideas concerning sacrifice. People fear giving up subjugation for freedom. Bloggers fear doing the fun, freeing, sometimes uncomfortable work because doing so means giving up depression, bondage, comfort and familiarity. In a way, people prefer to survive in fear, comfort and familiarity versus taking on responsibility to live in love, some discomfort and pure freedom.

The ego is odd; eh?

The reason why I write these words is because I have been there. I struggled for a long time because I was so afraid to take on the work required to become a successful blogger. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy. I wanted to be free on a conscious level but unconsciously I feared being the blogger who did the things that brought me the freedom. Like writing this post early on a Monday morning while I’m exhausted, a bit run down and more accepting of sleeping in; this is the work required to be a professional blogger. Pros show up when everyone else skips the blogging work.

Here I am. I have overcome the fear of taking on responsibility. I know you can do the same if you deeply fear taking on blogging work.

I enjoy freedom more than I fear doing work. This is an odd thing when you think about it. People live in misery because they fear doing the things that would dissolve misery and lead to happiness. The ego never makes sense. The ego prefers hell to heaven.

Bloggers grasp onto bizarre ideas regarding blogging responsibility. People think that putting in the work means giving up all the stuff they love. Do you think that blogging for 10 hours today is akin to living in jail? Would you rather watch TV? Would you rather spend time with your kids or watch streaming when blogging affords you the ability to leave a confining job? Doing that distraction stuff is okay. Life is a collection of varied experiences. But if you don’t take on responsibility you will be working for someone else. You will be supporting their dream. Does that sound fun? Does that sound freeing?

Do you currently live in survival mode? Do you take on enough responsibility at a job to survive? Does living to pay bills and secure health benefits seem like how life should go, for you?

See taking on responsibility as the key to freedom not the shackles that enslave you.

The truth needs to have its day to overcome the fear of blogging responsibility. I had to be brutally honest with myself before I put in the work. Nothing seemed to happen with my blog because I feared being all in. I actually thought that blogging was a sacrifice when in truth, blogging is freedom. I love blogging. I love helping people. Why would helping people for 6 hours a day through blogging be a sacrifice? Was I losing anything? I was only gaining freedom. I had fun helping people. Why would I fear having fun helping people, especially when it lead to greater freedom in the form of a professional blogging career?

The Ego Self Sabotages

The ego creates endless self-sabotage. Bloggers who fear taking on the responsibility of going pro simply have unconscious fears to identify, to feel and to release. Imagine a robot programmed to fail. This is your unconscious mind. The programming wins even if you consciously want something different. This is why you need to face fears in the unconscious to see blogging responsibility as a fun way to help people and free yourself versus being some insane sacrifice.

Again guys, this journey is not comfortable. If you fear blogging responsibility you need to overcome the fears consistent with believing that sacrifice is bad, negative or some nightmare. Bloggers out there believe that spending 3 hours tonight to blog is a sacrifice versus spending those three hours watching streaming video. Do you see how backwards the ego is? Do you see how it thinks upside down? If you are unconsciously programmed to believe that distraction is freedom and freedom is sacrifice then you have some inner work to do. There’s simply no way around it. Do not fear blogging responsibility. Fear not taking on blogging responsibility. Fear being bound. Fear of living in survival mode. Don’t fear doing something fun and freeing to help people.

Blogging is a fun gig. But you need to see this versus seeing sacrifice in order to take on blogging responsibility. I feared losing my freedom every time I thought about blogging 15 years ago. I preferred not to do it. But I actually lost the freedom by not blogging and filling my days with distraction-ville. Of course I blogged some early during my career but I feared doing blogging work because it meant letting go comfortable, familiar activities filled with distraction.

The question to ask yourself is: would you rather be happy and free or depressed and bound? Would you rather take on responsibility to enjoy life or shirk responsibility to hate life? Would you rather have fun helping people or be depressed trying to survive for yourself? Even though these questions sound dramatic they are 100% true and important to ask because most live in fantasy-land, insane delusion until asking tough questions and waiting for honest answers. If you fear blogging responsibility you think it’s bad when in truth it’s good and what you’re doing is likely depressing, confining and quite miserable.

See Yourself Truthfully

Seeing yourself truthfully is the way to take on blogging responsibility and to enjoy the work. Enjoying the work is the only way you do it for many thousands of hours over years until you go pro. Do you fear giving up nothing for everything? Do you fear being free because it means being happy? Ask yourself these questions. Wait for honest answers. Being honest with yourself is the only way to dissolve your fears because dishonesty created the fears and delusion in the first place.

Take on greater blogging responsibility today. Face your fears, leave your comfort zone and position yourself to become a professional blogger. This gig is actually quite fun when you understand how it works. First, you have fun helping people for a long time. You trust in the process. You don’t panic when outcomes don’t appear to manifest quickly because you understand that this is a marathon not a sprint. From there, you begin to enjoy the work to the point of doing it without seeing it as sacrifice, giving up anything or losing anything.

In truth, we only gain. Everything expands. Freedom is our natural state. Love never asks. Love only gives. Adopt this frame of mind to take on blogging responsibility with a cheery attitude and smile.

You’ll have to do this anyway if you ever hope to be a professional blogger.

Originally published at on October 3, 2022.

Niki Hampton

Let's Highlight Your Superpowers! I help professionals and business owners put their best foot forward through captivating copywriting and specialized bios

2 年

I love blogging! I don't get them out as quick as I would like, but such is the life of a business owner. Lol u love writing and researching new topics. Inarketong I am a firm believer in organic growth and blogging is among my top recommendations.

Maha Saleem

SEO expert, RN & content writer ?||?I have helped hospitals to thrive during pandemic times| I have helped 1000's of blog posts to rank on top of google|| Content writing|| SEO optimization||

2 年

Nahh ! I don't fear of it . .I as a challenge and I enjoy it ! But still there are times when I get second thoughts that would I be able to make it to the top, because u see no one can be so sure that they are gonna rank, u can give your best and then wait . . It's a buisness where u can give ur best but not sure either you are gonna make it or not ! So sometimes it's fearful but worth trying


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