Do you ever wish you had someone to nudge you during the day to remind you of things?
Paul Cornish
Food Photographer, Headshot Specialist, Photographer of Shiny Things (products).
Well, if you do, then the random reminder App is the one for you, it's currently only on Android but the iOS version is coming very soon.
It's called See it, Be it and it basically does just what I said up there... you give it a start time and an end time... the number of nudges you want and then you fill in to some information (lists or statements) on what you want to be nudged about.
It keeps you on track, it allows you to have emotive nudges as well (that's photos if you didn't know lol)
It works for me and it only cost me 89 pence!!!
It's way cheaper than having an ear bashing for forgetting things!
Check it out!
I can pretty much guarantee when you start using this app, you will find yourself putting in a statement like... Smile - it will make you feel better. When that randomly pops up on the screen later that day, you will smile... and guess what, you will feel better!
I have some pretty random images on my app, you can have 12 and they are memory joggers or aspirational things... for instance, I have a photograph of a Bentley Continental Speed BLACK EDITION - in a dark purply blue and it's beautiful and one day, I intend to have the monetary backing to be ABLE to afford one. (It's £190,000+) in case you were wondering... and yes, it's a big assed goal... but well, it gives me a bit more impetus and an a bit more drive (pun intended) when I see it!
So go on... buy an 89p app, pick some images, write four different reminders or statements and wait for the magic to happen. I know it works for me, it could for you too!